“Ivy, I love you. Please don’t do this.”
Raising an eyebrow, she says, “Where were you that night?”
I press my lips together and shake my head, “I can’t.”
“Three days, Nash,” she says and turns, walking away from me.
I’m out of options, so I contact the only person that can possibly help me. I can’t lose, Ivy.
I need to see you. It’s important. I’m in trouble.
What kind of trouble?
I need to see you in person. I can’t talk via text.
I can meet you at the coffee shop in twenty minutes.
I’ll be there.
I find Ivy in her studio painting.
“I’ll be back in a little while. I’m meeting Max for coffee.”
She doesn’t respond or look my way, so I head out.
I walk to the coffee shop to meet him because I’m not comfortable driving a car with a bunch of drugs in it. The less driving time, the better. Besides, it's only a seven-minute walk.
When I walk in, I find him sitting at a table with Trevor and Hunter. I grab a seat and cast a worried glance at Max, who shrugs, “I didn’t know what we were dealing with.”
I sigh, “Alright, but this needs to stay between us. Ivy is already in enough danger because of me. I don’t want to make it worse.
They all nod, and I proceed to tell them about the mess I’ve found myself in. I’m met with arched eyebrows and the occasional ‘oh shit.’
Max says, “They are in your vehicle? You should move them.”
“Where? Into the apartment with Ivy? No.”
Trevor asks, “When is your next drop-off?”
“Two days.”
Max speaks, “Okay. I’ll go with you. We aren’t drug lords, but we instill a certain fear. I’ve heard of DeLuca. He's likely heard of us, and won’t want a war, which is exactly what he’d get.”
Hunter asks, “Where is Ivy during all of this?”
I shake my head, “She asked me to move out.”
“Why?” Max asks.
As I explain why she’s so pissed off at me, he takes a swallow of his coffee.
Hunter chuckles, “Jade would have my balls. You’re going to need to tell her.”
“I can’t. It puts her in danger.”
Max says, “She’s already in danger. Her knowing isn’t going to increase that if she doesn’t do something stupid like running her mouth unless you’re willing to lose her. Because if you don’t tell her, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Hell, it sounds like it already has.”
I glance at Trevor, “Would you tell Mia?”