The panic sets in as I try to appear calm. Showing him weakness won’t help Ivy, although it's becoming very clear there is only one way to save her.
“Don’t hurt her.”
He grins at me, “Take Matteo’s job. It’s not even really dealing. His job was to distribute the drugs to the dealers.”
I shake my head, “If I get busted, I’m in prison for life.”
DeLuca nods, “Yes, but your sister/girlfriend will be safe. By the way, that’s pretty fucking sick.”
“You’re a drug kingpin, don’t you have others that would willingly do this for you?”
He smiles a sick and twisted smile, “I prefer Drug Lord. I’m basically the fucking God of the underworld. I want you, Nash. Your choice. You or your sweet little cunt.”
I clench my jaw and my fists, “Fine. Leave her the fuck alone.”
DeLuca sighs, “I’m going to give you one free pass. That was it. You will speak to me with respect, or I’ll put a bullet in your brain while I fuck your Ivy. When I’m done, I’ll put a bullet in hers as well. Tread lightly, Lexington.”
Iwaited for an hour while they packed my vehicle full of white powder heroin. DeLuca insisted he give me a car to use since the Range Rover is technically my dad’s. I was also gifted a burner phone and a gun. I’m expected to return every week to pick up more of a supply and turn in the cash. Of course, I will, because I won’t risk him hurting Ivy the way I know he would.
As I start to drive back to the gallery, I have a knot in the pit of my stomach. I have done well to resist the allure of heroin. However, now that it’s in my possession, it’s a problem. Have you ever been on a diet and had to resist the chocolate cake right in front of you? Well, this is a million times worse. As I drive, I swear it calls to me. I don’t give in because I know one hit will unravel everything.
I pull into my spot outside the gallery, lock my car, and enter. It’s locked. Everyone is gone. My small glimmer of hope that Ivy wouldn’t know I was gone is shattered. I look at my phone as I step into the elevator. Fuck. She sent me half a dozen texts that I didn’t respond to.
Where are you?
Did you leave?
Are you fucking kidding me Nash?
Fucking answer me!
This was the most amazing night of my life. I thought it mattered to you too.
I thought I mattered.
The last message guts me because I hate I made her feel this way. Even more, I hate that I can’t even explain myself to her. I can’t tell her about DeLuca. I can’t tell her about the massive amount of heroin in my car. I can’t tell her I only left tonight to save her life. I never would’ve left her tonight if it were in my power not to. Yet, she’ll never know the truth. She can’t. It will put her in far too much danger.
The elevator doors slide open, and I see Ivy on the couch, drinking wine with tears running down her cheeks. I don’t dare to mention the fact that she’s underage and shouldn’t be drinking. This is most definitely not the time for that.
She glances at me and the pain in her eyes destroys me. Fuck. I put it there.
“Baby. I’m sorry.”
Ivy shakes her head, “Was she good?”
I stare at her in confusion when it hits me. She thinks I was fucking another woman tonight.
“Ivy, you know damn well there is no one else. I haven’t fucked anyone else since the moment I met you. How could you think that?”
She laughs bitterly, “You left my gallery opening without a word. You’ve been gone for hours and didn’t respond to a single text message or phone call.”
I walk over to her and kneel in front of her, “I swear to you I was not with another woman. I would never do that to you.”