Now a tear falls down my face, “No, just not like the twins. As soon as they were born, I ceased to exist. You had your perfect family, and I was as important as wallpaper.”
My dad walks back in, “That’s enough young lady.”
“Come on, Mercy, we’re leaving. Ivy, they’ll be starting you on methadone to control your drug problem.”
I laugh, “Methadone is a drug, and I won’t take it. As an eighteen-year-old it is my choice. I will not take any more drugs.”
I don’t have anything against methadone or people that use it. For me, though, it’s not the answer. I’m not going to use drugs, so there’s no need for it. I know from my biological mom that if you use methadone, it’s a constant cycle. She couldn't do without, when she tried to get off drugs and was put on it. I don’t want to be like that. For me, I choose not to be on anything.
“I’m cutting off your financial support until I see some changes including your relationship with my son.”
I laugh, “That’s fine. I’ll find a job.”
He runs his hand through his hair which I know means he’s pissed. It’s his tell.
“As long as you live under my roof-”
I interrupt him, “That won’t be much longer so you can save your breath. Take mom home to her precious children.”
“Do you have a weak stomach?” Max asks as he drives down the highway.
I laugh, “No.”
“There will be blood. I can guarantee you he will cry. If you change your mind, you can leave but his life will not be spared.”
I reply simply with, “Good.” Anybody that hurts Ivy deserves the cruelest form of torture. Matt and I were good friends a lifetime ago. I understand why he was pissed at me. I get it. If he had been a man about it and came for me, we wouldn’t have a problem. He went after Ivy instead. He made her bleed, pumped her full of drugs, and he will pay for that. Dearly. If Max hadn’t chosen to end his life I would have.
We pull up to Max’s safehouse and park in the garage. There’s a van parked to the right when I get out, I’m shocked when Max hits a button, and the van lowers beneath the ground.
“That’s some serious spy shit.”
He chuckles, “I’m not expecting unwanted visitors but it’s a precaution I like to take.”
“Come on. He’s in the basement waiting for us.”
I follow him to an elevator and step in beside him.
“Am I only allowed to watch?”
He grins sadistically, “If you want to get your hands dirty, go for it.”
“Matt hurt what’s mine. Of course, I want in on this.”
Max pats my shoulder, “If it were my wife, I’d feel the same way.”
When the elevator slides open, we walk out together into a room that looks like a serial killer's heaven. There’s a metal table off to the right with more sharp instruments than you’d find in an operating room. Straight in front of me is a St. Andrew’s Cross with Matt stripped down to his boxers tied to it.
Max chuckles, “The cross is my favorite. I probably overuse it.”
Mia, Trevor, Hunter, and Jade all stand off to the side looking bored.
Max says, “It’s a beautiful day to take lives, isn’t it?”
Mia howls. “Oh my God, this again.”