Page 31 of Undone

Pulling out my phone, I hand it to Amanda first since she’s physically the closest to me right now, “I did this a few nights ago.”

“Holy shit!” She says.

The waitress arrives and brings me my iced coffee, immediately I take a sip.

“What?” I ask when she leaves.

“This is amazing! I could sell this for a book cover.”

She hands my phone around the table to the other girls, but I’m so confused.

“Smutty book covers have naked men on them. There are no men in that painting.”

Amanda shakes her head, “Not all covers. It’s really common now for the paperback to have a discreet cover.”

I take a sip of my coffee and then ask, “Discreet?”

She laughs, “Yeah, so that when you’re sitting in a coffee house reading a smutty book, nobody knows what it’s about.”

Danielle and Sarah start looking at their phones simultaneously and then show me several of these discreet covers.

“Wow, those are pretty. But my painting is nowhere near that pretty.”

At the same time, Amanda says, “Shush your face,” and Danielle says, “Stop.”

I laugh and Amanda says, “Come on. Let me just show it to a few authors.”

I nod, “Fine.”

Looking down at my phone I text the picture to Amanda. I’m still gazing down when I hear, “Hello, Princess. Are you going to introduce me to your friends?”

Immediately my eyes snap to his, “Nash.”

I’m speechless as my gaze travels up his body, finally landing on his face. He stands in front of us in a suit. I’ve never seen him dressed up. Nash in jeans and a T-shirt is gorgeous. Nash in a black suit is mouthwatering.

“Ummm this is, this is, this is-”

“Nash,” he smiles, his panty-melting grin, shaking each of their hands. Sarah stares at me, gaping really, and mouths, “Wow.” They all stare at him as if he just fell from the heavens. Jenny is unusually quiet, but if she doesn’t close her mouth, drool is going to drip out.

Sarah offers, “Would you like to join us, Nash?”

He answers her but doesn’t take his eyes off me, “No. Thank you, I just wanted to make sure my Princess was being a good girl.”

All four of them gasp in unison when he comes over and kisses me, “I’ll be right outside, Princess. Don’t do anything that will get you punished.”

He walks away and I have four sets of eyes boring into me. Sarah blurts out, “What fuckingChristian Greylottery did you win?”

Danielle turns in her seat, “Is he really waiting outside?”

Jenny says, laughing, “It’s like he fell out of a book.”

I roll my eyes, “It is not.”

Sarah holds out her hand, “Let’s do the math. Possessive. Check. Hot as fuck. Check. Good girl. Big fucking check. He’ll punish you. Check. Check. Check.”

She’s quiet for a moment after that, “Oh my God. Please make my fantasies come true. Tell me, you call him daddy.”

I shake my head and then bury my face in my hands, “Kill me now.”