He pats his chest, “Right here, where you belong.”
I turn into him and lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, his deep voice rumbles through his chest, “It’s called a praise kink, Princess. Don’t overthink it. It just means you like to be praised.”
“Only by you,” I whisper.
He groans, “That’s right, beautiful. No one else is allowed to praise you or fucking touch you.”
“Possessive much?” I giggle, but he quickly rolls me to my back and wraps his hand around my throat. “When it comes to you, yes, I’m possessive. You are mine, Ivy. I don’t fucking share. If any man puts his hands on you, he’s dead.”
I swallow hard and when he releases his grip on my throat, I say, “It’s a good thing you didn’t go to prison for murder.”
He gazes at me with an intensity that causes me to shiver, “No I didn’t. But I nearly killed a man while I was inside. I learned a few things, Princess.”
My body continues to tremble when I ask, “Like what?”
“Like how to kill a man and get rid of the body. Why? Are you planning on letting someone fuck what’s mine, baby?”
I shake my head and whisper, “No. I don’t want anybody else.”
Nash runs his knuckles down the side of my face and murmurs, “Good girl. Then you have nothing to worry about, Princess.”
“Are you serious?”
He glares at me, “Fuck around and find out, baby. You’ll watch me kill the man of your choosing.”
Again, I shake my head no, “I only want you.”
“Come here,” he says.
I move against his side, and he wraps his arms around me, “Baby, I will punish you. I will spank you. I would never truly hurt you. You know that right? Why do you look upset, Princess?”
I shake my head and bury my face into his neck, my place of comfort, his scent calming me.
“Tell me, Ivy.”
“You’re so worried about me fucking another man, but you don’t understand. No one even wants me.”
It’s the truth. Sure, I’ve had a few boys ask me out, but my dad ended that real quick. That was a couple of years ago. No one has showed interest in me since then. Who did I go with to prom? Nobody asked, so I didn’t go. Nobody wants me other than Nash.
Then it hits me. Is this because it’s so forbidden? Or maybe he wanted a virgin?Stupid girl, letting your emotions get involved.This isn’t going anywhere. He doesn’t care about me. It’s just sex, that he’ll probably laugh about with his friends.
“Can I go to sleep? I’m tired.”
He brushes his knuckles down my cheek, kisses me softly, and says, “Of course.”
Ivy was quiet when she woke up. When I kissed her, it was like she turned off her attraction to me. As if someone flipped a switch. It was there and then it was gone. What changed? The car ride home brought more silence.
She got out of the vehicle and said, “Thanks for the ride,” without a single glance in my direction.
I went to the pool house feeling more confused than I’ve ever felt. Just as I walk in and shut the door, my phone chimes. I take a look and smile when I see it’s a text from Ivy until I read her words.
Last night was fun. Thank you. I think it’s best if we end this now. You were right. I should date boys my own age.
No. This is unacceptable. Fuck. This is why she was so quiet. The urge to go into her room and spank her until her ass is black and blue is fucking strong. But it’s not an option when my dad is home. So, I text her back.