Page 36 of Undone

Max sits back in his chair, his arms folded over his chest, his glare is intense, “Either you need my help, or you don’t. You have ten seconds to decide.”

My concern is I don’t want my dad to find out about us from someone else. That will only make a difficult situation even worse. But Ivy is priority number one, so I have no choice. I tell him about her and I, my date, the cell phone. The drugs. All of it. Now it’s up to him what he does with the information.

He sighs audibly, “Your dad is going to fucking kill you. I know I would. She’s eighteen for Christ’s sake.”

Even though Ivy is the one that initially pursued a sexual relationship, I know how this looks. I am the bad guy no matter how you look at the situation. Hell, maybe they're right. Maybe I haven’t changed at all. I thought I had. Now I’m not so sure.

“I know what you think of me. Can you please help me find her?”

He nods, “And then what? You’ll stay away from her?”

Shaking my head, I tell him truthfully, “No. I don’t think I could. Your wife was a nun. Were you able to stay away from her?”

Through gritted teeth he says, “I will help you as a courtesy to your family because I’m fond of them. Do not speak about my fucking wife. Do not talk about shit you know nothing about.”

I hold my hands up, “I apologize.”

“It’s fine. Just know my wife and children are fucking off limits.”

I nod, “Understood.”

I take a sip of my coffee when he starts rattling off questions.

“Does she have any enemies?”

I shake my head, “No. I don’t think so.”

He narrows his eyes, “You?”

I sigh, “I was a junkie, I’m sure I pissed people off, but nobody that I’m aware of. Certainly not someone that would be so pissed they would hurt Ivy.”

“Unfortunately, my regular guy Mac is unavailable, but I’ll have our other guy, Michael see what he can find on the cell phone. I suspect the person who texted her is using a burner phone. If there’s anything to find, he will find it.”

He continues, “Their both our IT guys. I have no clue how they find the shit they do, but they can find anything. If there’s a trace, they’ll sniff it out.”

Max pulls out two phones and sets one on the table and types on the other one. After a few minutes, he stares at me, “When you were arrested did you have an accomplice?”

Raising an eyebrow, I say, “No. I acted alone.”

I fucking hate talking about this shit. I did horrible things I can never take back. Everybody that knows what I did to Mercy looks at me like I’m a monster. What they don’t understand is that night haunts me as much as it does her. I can’t run from it. You can’t escape from bad decisions. They live inside you for life.

“Who was there when she was found?”

I drag my hand down my face as I remember that day. “Honestly, I was so high I don’t remember all of it. Give me a minute.”

I hold Mercy’s hands above her head, her wrists tight in my grip. She’s naked, I have her legs spread with my cock at her entrance. Matt stands in the corner like he’s afraid to watch.

“Son, this is the drugs, this is not the man I raised. Let her go. Don’t do this,” my dad said.

I look up at Max, “My dad, her dad, and Matt, my dealer.”

“Matt who?”

“Torres. His first name is Matteo. Matt is a nickname.”

I wait silently while Max texts more on his phone.