Without saying a word her eyes widen, “I’m sorry.”
I still don’t say anything, but I make a mental note,one.
As I walk around to her side of the car, she jumps out, appearing very much on edge, when she acts nervous like this, I can’t fucking help myself. Ivy gets out and closes the door, turns around, and gasps when she notices me in front of her. Wrapping my hand around her neck, I push her against the glass window, her pulse beats against my palm, I hover my lips over her and speak low, “This is exactly how it will work, Princess. You’ll know when you’ve been a bad girl. I won’t have to speak a word for you to know.” I growl, “You will be punished.”
Pulling my head back, I stare at her succulent lips, “I’m tempted to make you crawl to my office. The only reason I won’t is I don’t want other men looking at what’s mine.”
She moans, and I take her hand, walking her to the elevator. Ivy asks, “Why do you have an office? What do you do?”
Once we step into the elevator, I press eleven and answer her, “Stocks. I buy and sell stocks.”
The doors slide open, and I pull her down the hall to my office, pull out my key and unlock it, before waving her inside.
“Sit,” I say as I point to two black leather chairs sitting beside each other.
I turn the other chair, so I’ll be facing her and lower myself into it. “You want space.”
She takes a deep breath, “I think I need it.”
I could easily force her out of this choice, but I won’t. If this isn’t what she wants I should let her go now before it gets even more messy.
Pulling out my phone she looks at me, “What are you doing?”
“Calling you an Uber. Giving you what you want.”
This is the second time she’s tried to push me away when I know it’s not what she wants. She’s young, but I’m not. I won’t play her fucking games. That does not mean this doesn’t hurt like a bitch.
Ten minutes later I get an alert that her ride is outside. “Your Uber is here.”
Slowly she rises out of the chair, “So this is it then?”
I nod, “Yeah, Princess. This is it.”
She walks to the door and stops, “Thank you for what you did that night.”
Turning to me, she says, “Nash I-”
I stop her, “Please, Princess, I need you to leave.”
The longer she stands here the closer I am to snapping. I want to tie her up and lock her away so she can never leave me. No I don’t. I don’t want it to be that way. I want her to want me the way I want her. She doesn’t. I need to deal with that.
Ivy turns back to the door, opens it, and walks away.
My chest is tight, my breaths are shallow, and for the life of me, I can’t figure out how this escalated so quickly. I get up and walk behind my desk and sit in my chair to try to do some work. Instead, I find myself watching the tracker I put on Ivy’s phone. I watch the little dot move down the street until I know she’s safe at home.
Fuck. I can’t get her out of my mind. All the numbers on my screen blur, the only thing I’m capable of doing is picturing her. I’m losing my sanity.Move on, Nash.She doesn’t want you.
I work for a little longer before grabbing my gym bag I keep in my office and head down to the gym available to everybody in this building. This is how I deal with emotions I can’t control. I’ll lift weights until she’s gone from my mind. The problem is, before I even step foot into the gym, I know it won’t work. I’ll never get her out of my system.
One week later…
It’s beena week since I’ve seen Nash. He avoids me at every turn. I’m sitting at the dinner table with my parents as they discuss some experimental cancer drug my dad is heading up a study for.
“So, I have to sit here through dinner, but Nash doesn’t?”