Running his knuckles down my cheek, he repeats, “I’m sorry, Princess.”
My heart skips a beat when he stares at me like he’s seeing something nobody else does. I take a deep breath, “Then I met Mercy. I had already known dad, although he was Dr. L to me then.”
“Right, because he was your oncologist.”
Nash brushes away the tears I can’t stop from falling, “I felt like I had won the lottery. I didn’t even understand what adoption was. All I knew was I was going to live with Mercy and Dr. L. They were both so kind to me. Back then they seemed to genuinely like me.”
Kissing me on the forehead, he speaks softly, “You’re doing so well, Princess. I know this is hard. Tell me what happened to change everything.”
He’s going to think I’m the worst person he has ever met. Hell, most days, I think I’m the worst person I ever met.
“No judgment, Princess. I just want to know how you’re feeling.”
I nuzzle my face into his neck, inhaling his scent, which is somehow an instant calming effect for me, “The twins happened. At first, I thought they were cute, and I wanted to help with everything. I had all these opportunities to showcase my art. For a kid, it was an amazing experience. More than one gallery said that I could even sell them there. Can you imagine? A little girl selling her paintings at galleries? They thought I was gifted. I was sure it was my future. But Mercy had to stop taking me because Riley did nothing but scream. It was too much for her. Dad wanted to hire a nanny to help with the twins, but she refused. Riley was diagnosed with autism. I guess it’s called being on the spectrum now.”
Nash tucks my hair behind my ear, never taking his eyes from mine, he asks, “How did that make you feel?”
Now the tears really fall, and my body starts to shake with sobs, “Like I didn’t matter. Like they never really wanted me. Like I wasn’t theirs. I felt like I didn’t belong anywhere,” I choke out.
Kissing my tears, he whispers, “You matter to me. I want you. You are mine. You belong with me, Princess.”
My breath hitches. Nash presses his lips to mine and kisses me softly. His tongue against mine is a gentle caress. I’m breathless when he pulls back, “I see you, Ivy. Your pain, your needs. I’ll take care of every single one of them.”
His sweet words make me feel like even more of a bitch. I was so nasty to him. I called him a rapist repeatedly. The truth is, we’re the same. We both have pain and make poor decisions trying to dull it.
“Thank you for telling me.”
I can’t stop crying, and I hate it because it makes me look weak. I don’t want him to see me like a fragile child. Yet here I am, acting like one.
“Tell me what you need, Princess.”
“You,” I breathe.
* * *
Looking down, when I hear her heavy even breaths, I notice she’s asleep. Ivy is simply stunning. It hurts knowing the kind of pain she’s in. When she said she didn’t matter to my dad and Mercy, I know it’s simply not true. However, it’s how she feels. I won’t discount her feelings. I won’t tell her how to feel. Since the twins were born, life is challenging, especially for Mercy. My dad is at work every day and works long hours. It’s her that has to handle the challenges. Things always change in a family when a child is born. When it’s two and one of them has special needs, it only adds to the difficulties. Of course, things wouldn’t stay the same. I understand that, but also, it’s unfair to Ivy. Add to it the fact that her mother abandoned her, and she was adopted, it becomes clear. It was a recipe for pain. My poor girl has been through so much heartbreak and cancer three times.
I want to know how she reconnected with her mother. For now, she’s opened up enough. I’m not going to push her more right now.
Kissing her forehead, I whisper, “You’re so beautiful.”
I can’t get enough of her. She fits perfectly in my arms. If my dad finds out and he forbids her to see me, will she obey him? I know the story about his reaction when his best friend Xander started hooking up with my Aunt Elle. From what I heard it wasn’t pretty. My dad treated them both like shit. The thought of never holding her again makes my chest throb.
She tosses her leg over my hip, still sleeping, now on top of my hard dick. I can’t resist her in this position. I run my hand over her back, to her tender ass, reaching behind her, I slide two fingers into her pussy. When I curve my fingers, she moans and opens her eyes, “Nash.”
“Yes, Princess?”
Her face is pressed into my chest as she moans and wiggles her hips. I love that even though she was a virgin only hours ago, she’s so responsive and doesn’t hold back. It’s very sexy when a woman enjoys herself during sex.
“Get up here and ride my face.”
Her mouth parts in a gasp.
“Princess, don’t make me ask twice.”
She climbs up and places a knee on either side of my head, making me groan at the sight of her like this.