As I walk around to the pool house, I’m trembling and terrified. The last time I showed up here, it didn’t go well. I will knock like a decent person this time instead of using the key. Still, I’m scared. How will he react? If he’s angry, how will I react? His words last time devastated me. I’m not sure I can handle that again, but I must see him. After what he did for me, I have no choice. Nash could’ve gone back to prison, and it would’ve been my fault. Why did he do that for a girl he can’t stand?
Knocking on the door, I wait for him to answer while my heart races like a horse. Finally, it opens. Nash stands before me in boxer shorts, nothing else. The way his gaze moves up and down my body several times nearly burns me to ash.
“Can I come in?”
He arches a brow, “Have you been a good girl, Princess?”
I gasp, “What?”
Placing his thumb and finger on my chin, he gently tilts my head back, forcing me to meet his gaze, “Have you been a good girl for me?”
My breaths are out of control, I’m practically panting as I answer, “I think so.”
“Have you used any drugs?”
Oh, that’s what he wants to know.
I shake my head, “No, sir. None.”
Nash grabs my arm and pulls me inside, closing the door behind me, and growls, “Good girl. Such a fucking good girl.”
My insides melt, my clit throbs, and I try to fight back a moan, but it escapes.
“Why are you here?”
Calm down, Ivy. Calm down.My heart feels like it’s ready to explode. Trying to calm my rapid breaths, I attempt to breathe deeply. I can’t.
“I wanted to apologize and thank you.”
A nearly naked Nash standing in front of me, his deep voice rumbling through his chest. That fierce gaze does things to me. Can you explode simply from the way someone looks at you? I think I might.
“Apologize for putting you in that position. Thank you for protecting me. I don’t know why you risked yourself for me but thank you. I promise it won’t happen again.”
He narrows his gaze, “You’re right it won’t. If it does, I’ll beat your ass so you can't sit for a week. Understood?”
I gasp and nod, “Yes, sir.”
Nash reaches out and rubs his thumb over my lips. I part my mouth and suck the digit into my mouth slowly.
“Get on your knees and thank me properly, Princess.”
My eyes widen as I fall to my knees, “I’ve never. I don’t know how.”
“Have you ever seen a dick up close before, baby girl?”
I shake my head, “No.”
The blood rushes to my cheeks, I know I’m red as a tomato.
He groans, “I want to be your first everything, baby. Are you going to give me every single piece of your innocence? Will you let the monster steal it all?”
I nod, “Yes, but you’re not a monster. You saved me.”
He chuckles, “I’m no savior, Princess…Not the hero in your story. I’m the villain. I’ll always be the villain. Spread your thighs and stick your tongue out.”