“Nope, my system is well acquainted with complex carbohydrates.”
“I’ll have to run a mile for every one of those fries.” My feet slapped against the parking lot as we headed back towards the car.
“Hey…” Strong fingers gripped my shoulder, turning me to an uncommonly serious Scott. “I know your ex did a real number on you, Taylor, but any man worth a moment of your time wouldn’t care about what you do or don’t eat.”
I stared at him, a little embarrassed. “Oh, I—”
“You don’t need to explain, Taylor. But next time, order whatever the fuck you want.”
I nodded, my shoulders hitting the side of the truck as Scott loomed over me. “Whatever I want?”
Scott’s jaw ticked, and I could smell the mint he must’ve stolen from the bowl by the diner’s front door. I found myself leaning into him.
“Whatever I want,” I repeated.
“Yes, Tay, anything.” Then, as if it pained him, Scott moved his hand to slowly pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. I could feel the brush of his fingertips on my skin. My heart pounded in my chest. He was so close now, his lips just inches from my own. And with every fiber of my being, I found myself wondering what he might taste like.
What he might feel like.
Strong and quiet.
Sweet and kind.
My body pulsed with the need to know.
I wetted my lips, noting how his eyes followed the move. For a moment, I thought he was going to do it, lean in and put us both out of this tension-filled torture.
But behind us, the glass door of the diner slammed shut. Scott jumped a little, the spell between us broken as we glanced over at the noise. By the time I could make myself look back to him, he was shuffling his feet in the graveled drive, hands shoved deep in his pockets.
“We’ve got a few more hours to go before the campsite I picked out for us. Are you ready?”
Scott opened my door, holding it wide while I stepped in. As he went to shut the door, I couldn’t stop my arm from reaching out to press against his hand.
“Next time, I want cheese fries with ranch.”
Scott’s eyes sparkled when they met mine. “You got it.”
Chapter Three
Taylor snored. I wasn’t sure why the idea intrigued me so much, but as I drove across the meaningless countryside, I couldn’t keep the grin off my face. When I turned into the campground where we were going to set up tonight, I jostled her awake.
Stretching, Taylor turned those luminous dark eyes to me, and slowly, a smile curled her lips. Some impulse deep in my chest kicked. I wanted to kiss her, to savor that sleepy, blissful expression.
My knuckles actually cracked as I tightened my grip on the steering wheel. “Good morning, beautiful,” I crooned at her in a playful voice.
Taylor moaned, stretching her neck and reaching back to run fingers through her hair. “Don’t tease. It’s not a good look on you.”
I steered the truck over a speedbump, rolling my eyes at her answer. Because of course she didn’t take it as a compliment. “I wasn’t teasing.”
“Oh.” She paused, the ponytail holder caught between her teeth. “Thanks.”
“No problem. Let’s get our house set up for the night.” I held out our information as we approached the check-in, getting cheerful greetings from those who were working in the building. After some quick directions and a recommendation for somewhere to go get food tonight, I pulled into our allotted space. As soon as the engine cut off, I found myself stuck in my seat, a little unsure of how to proceed. Because as much as I'd stressed about having Taylor crammed in the vehicle with me for hours at a time, it hadn’t really occurred to me the other half of the situation.
Namely the sleeping one.