Page 30 of A Date with Fate

Silence filled the cab as we twisted down the back roads to Scott’s new house. “Are you one of those guys who thinks pregnant women are super-hot?”

Scoff snorted. “I didn’t say that.”

“Well, what did—”

“What I find attractive is the idea of you carrying our babies, your belly round and soft and full of our future.”

I stared at him, slack jawed.

“And I know we haven’t talked about this kind of stuff yet, because everything is new, but the idea of experiencing that with you, it’s consuming me right now.”

He took a long breath in. “If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine. But give me a moment.”

My body relaxed into the seat, my mind swirling with this new knowledge. I hadn’t been wrong, Scott wanted babies. But I… Shit. I wanted babies too. But I only wanted them with this man. The way he’d just said that to me, it had set my blood on fire. But what would happen when they were born and I was too cold, I was too distant. Scott might love me, but this baby, they deserved a mother who could express herself all the time. Who knew how to be a mother. I wouldn’t short Scott’s future children by saddling them with me.

“I’m not sure I want to have kids” I finally got out. The line was familiar. I’d said it to several suitors. But it had never hurt this badly before. Scott’s knuckles were white on the steering wheel. I waited for him to demand an answer, to insist I was wrong.

But instead, his hands relaxed again, his body sagging in the seat. “You’ve said that before.” His voice was matter of fact. “I remember even in high school, you were against kids.”

“I’m sorry, Scott. It’s just…” My voice cut off. This was the messy part, the part I didn’t understand. I didn't know how to explain how badly I wanted a family and how terrified I was to actually have one.

“You don’t have to explain anything to me, baby.” His hand found mine. “I’m just happy you’re here.”

And that was that. The rest of the drive was shared in companionable silence, but I couldn't stop hearing his words over and over in my head. Having babies with Scott was the least scary option I’d ever had.

But was that enough?

When we arrived at Scott’s brand-new log cabin and I stared up at the multiple windows and the wide-open front porch, I knew deep in my chest that while I had Scott Spears to myself for now, I wasn't going to be able to keep him.

Chapter Ten


“Do I look okay? I wasn't sure what to wear.” Taylor’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts as I flipped aimlessly through the channels.

I looked over the back of the couch as Taylor’s heels clicked into the room.

She was wearing a soft black sundress that tied over her shoulders. Her lips were glossy and tempting as she held the edges of her dress out and swirled a little in place.

“You look perfect.” I pushed up off the couch. Since we’d had barely enough time to get cleaned up and redressed, the conversation in the car had gotten briefly discontinued. Which was maybe a good thing, because I was still convinced there was something she wasn’t telling me.

Her eyes swept over my slacks and button-down with an eagerness that made me groan. “You can’t look at me like that, baby. We do not have time for this.”

Taylor tilted her head, her tongue slipping out for a moment. “You sure? I thought you might want to capitalize on your winnings.”

Fuck. I marched across the room, gripping her chin in my hand as I pulled her roughly against me, letting her needy hips press against the hard line of my cock. “Not yet.”

She whimpered against me, making my cock throb even harder. Temptation curled in my gut, making me consider pressing her against the wall behind her, hiking that skirt up her legs so I could dip inside her.

“Fine. I guess we have a party to get to,” she said, tossing her hair over her shoulder and heading to the door. I fell out of my stupor of regret in just enough time to race ahead and open the door wide for her. My momma raised a gentleman, and I was determined to be one, at least until she was on her knees in front of me, sucking me down. Then I would be just a man, completely besotted and consumed by the woman he loved.

The party was at my parents’ place and was already in full swing by the time we showed up. There was pie, ice cream, and country music spilling out into the crowded driveway. I opened Taylor’s door and escorted her up, loving the soft way that she held my arm up the stairs. The moment we got inside, I lost her to the happy Jackson Falls people. I waved her off and went to find her a glass of wine—white—and then I’d be back to rescue her if needed.

Jesse approached, a scowl on his face. I grinned at him, opening my beer and holding it out to him. “Get all moved out?”

“You know we did.”

“Hey, I told you a week. You guys just saw fit to stay an extra four.”