Eva made a scene of hauling herself up the steps to join Allie. “I wanted to shoot you about two miles ago.”
“Thanks for the self-control.”
“It was more like an order.”
“Oh.” Allie unlocked the back door and opened it wide for Eva. “You talked to Ross.”
Eva bent over, gulping air. “He is the boss.”
“And I was the real target,” Allie said, pulling two bottles of water out of the fridge.
“Only for a little while. And no one was supposed to shoot you then either.”
“What a relief.”
Eva raised her bottle in a mock salute and guzzled half the bottle at once. “I don’t know what he has or hasn’t told you.” She held up a hand when Allie opened her mouth. “No. I don’t want to know. But I’d bet most of it is the truth.”
Eva didn’t deserve to be caught in the middle, no matter how much Allie wanted to question her. Ross was the focus of the intense hurt and anger she’d been running out of her system.
“I didn’t expect you to run after me.”
“Losing track of you wouldn’t be good for my life span.” Eva wiggled her brows. “I will say he’s crazy about you, in case you aren’t sure.”
Allie didn’t bother to dignify that. “Have you seen Roberts in town?”
“No. Which bothers me. Ross convinced us that the good people of Haleswood would make such an issue of a stranger’s arrival that it would be impossible for him to hide.”
“But no word of anyone like Roberts.”
Eva shook her head. “I didn’t grow up here, and trust me when I say I’m not in a hurry to return to my own hometown, but Ross? He has serious issues.”
“Don’t we all,” Allie muttered. “I came here to hide for a few days, but Ross and Bradley’s hired thugs found me easy enough.”
Eva’s gaze sharpened. “That is not on us. We don’t operate that way. Roberts went overboard trying to get you and that data back, from what I could find. Based on the sheriff’s request, the thugs found you first.”
“You were actually doing neighborhood patrols for Cochran?”
Eva stretched her arms high overhead. “Two birds, one stone.”
Allie gave up. Only Ross could explain why he’d agreed to come after her and do the whole recovery operation for Roberts.
“It’s a long walk back to town, but it might be good for you.”
“You gotta be kidding. Ross told me to keep you up here. I’m not leaving until he gives me the order.”
“Well by all means, let’s both head back to town.”
“Absolutely not. Roberts is around here somewhere and I’m not letting you expose yourself again.”
Allie chuckled. “If he wanted to catch me on my run, he could have. We trained together occasionally for triathlons and charity races.”
“Then every ache and pain I endure will be worth it since he didn’t get to you. Ross would never forgive me if you got hurt. Today’s little jaunt aside, I love my job.”
Allie wondered what held the most appeal. Spying on people, learning all the juicy secrets hidden in their backgrounds, or kissing the boss to test the reactions of the suspect. Irritated with herself, she capped the water bottle and bent over, reaching for her toes. “You might want to stretch too.”
“Yeah, I’m not a total loser about fitness.” Eva shifted to stretch her quads. “I prefer a climate-controlled gym and a punching bag. Among other things.”