“She doesn’t have the state-of-the-art security system you have,” Allie pointed out, going for nonchalant, hoping she pulled it off so he wouldn’t guess how much it bothered her. Only a few days ago, she’d been in that house, having nightmares and getting shot at.
Finally, Ross sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Eva will rig some perimeter cameras. I’d like you to go to the Midnight Rooster for breakfast tomorrow and chat it up, hang out all day if possible.”
“Everyone in town knows about the armed intruder by now.”
“And he’s dead. It’s time to show yourself, Allie. Tell the gory details, you know everyone will eat it up.”
She didn’t like the bitter edge in his voice. “And the whole bit about me being wanted as a person of interest in Bradley’s death?”
“Faked death.”
“You know what I mean.”
“That video satisfied Cochran. Rick assures me the detective in Alexandria revoked the BOLO on you. He says Nicole is safe. Apparently, your company even dropped the original complaint about the data theft. Nothing on the updates we got at the office says they’re looking for you.” He grinned at her. “Things are turning our way already.”
She liked his use of ‘our’ and his confidence was contagious. Still, she didn’t like the idea of being in town, even Haleswood, alone. “The police in Alexandria saw the bank tape?”
“Yes.” He gave her a squeeze. “They aren’t happy they’ve been fooled. Trust me on this, Allie.”
“I do. It’s Bradley who worries me.”
“That’s understandable, but together we’ll get him.”
Allie nodded, unable to quell the dread of a face to face with her devious boss. The man had shattered her professional goals. He’d managed to turn an honorable career into something sleazy. Learning that no one in power at her company objected to trading lives for profit sickened her.
Logically, she knew she was better off knowing it now instead of later, and yet, she still felt sadness for the loss of the ideal. Questions for her future loomed, but first she had to survive Bradley’s next attempt on her life. “So now I hide in plain sight again?”
“Wasn’t that your real reason for coming home?”
She shot him a look. Clearly, he knew her too well. “It might have worked.”
“It will definitely work now, because you have my team behind you. I have two rules. First, don’t let yourself be alone in town. Second, don’t give Bradley what he wants right away. And remember, you won’t really be alone at Ruth’s house.”
“What about you?” She didn’t like the way he hesitated. Haleswood gossip had never been good to him. “Ross?”
“People saw us together at the motel. Everyone in the sheriff’s office knows you left with me. I’ll be sticking closer than ever, sweetheart. And while you won’t see her, Eva will be out there too.”
“I’ll be okay. Roberts is a big city guy. He has no idea how a small town operates.” The people she’d grown up with were better than Dobermans when it came to looking out for one of their own. While that had felt oppressive long ago, now she would use it to her advantage.
“This small town loves you,” Ross said.
She felt her lips curve into a smile. She would have told him the town loved him too, but he kissed her, putting an end to any more conversation and leading to a few hours of satisfied, dreamless sleep.
Chapter eight
Ross commended himself for driving Allie back into town later that morning. Eva had offered to drive, but in a snarky way that made him think she’d make good on her preference to see Allie safe in Canada rather than ‘feed her to the wolves’ in Haleswood.
He had to shake that off. Not easy when it came to forgetting Eva’s scathing opinions, but he’d had practice. Beside him, Allie was doing the nervous hand thing, flexing her laced fingers in her lap while she stared out the window.
“It will be okay,” he said. He was doing the sure and steady routine for her, but the numerous uncertainties were rotting a hole in his gut.
When they’d reached the end of the drive, where he had the choice, it had taken a significant effort to turn toward Haleswood. Contrary to Eva’s belief, he was not immune to the danger closing in on Allie. He’d done everything in his power to guarantee her safety, called in every favor, and still the risk felt too big.
Bradley Roberts was a desperate man about to be backed into a corner unless he could contain a certain public relations manager holding the proof of his crimes. The things Eva had been uncovering in the man’s past were beyond worrisome. Amazing what the selfish bastard had managed to cover up. He didn’t share his worries with Allie, she had enough to think about, but he’d passed a few pertinent details to Sheriff Cochran as well as his contact at the FBI.
He’d dropped her off as the first rush of breakfast customers headed off to work. The timing guaranteed the most eyes on her arrival and therefore the best protection.