“Can’t wait.” I stand back up, victorious and completely aware that I need to quit while I’m ahead. “I’d tell you I’ll bring your panties back, but I doubt I’ll be able to find them, so…”
She snags a pencil from her desk and throws it at me. It hits me square in the chest just as I start cracking the hell up.
I hold up both hands in innocence as I move toward her desk again. “Just getting my lunch,” I say as I make a show of carefully grabbing the bag into my hands.
“Goodbye, Mr. Houston,” she says, her voice anything but firm. “I’ll see you later.”
“Trust me, Ms. Dayton, I can’t wait.”
I head out of her classroom and walk into my own, catching sight of my reflection in the window of my door. For far from the first time in the last month, Katy Dayton is the cause of an all-consuming smile.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to consider the reason this woman continues to put it there.
Friday, April 22nd
“Ah, fuck. I missed the show,” Mack says as he steps into his bathroom to find me fully dressed in my favorite nude shift dress and finishing up my hair and makeup.
“There was no way I was going to let you make me late again today.”
He’s also fully dressed in his typical work attire—khaki slacks, red Chuck Taylors, and a white button-up shirt. He steps up to the sink and grabs his deodorant. “Almostlate,” he corrects. “Not late. And that happened over a week ago, babe. Surely I’ve regained your trust by now.”
“Ha!” I scoff and reach for my hair spray. “You’ll never have my trust when it comes to being on time.”
“But I have your trust with other things?” he questions and raises one eyebrow as he runs a comb through his hair. “I think we both know you can always rely on me and my cock to make you come.”
I almost say,and your mouth too, but I refuse to give his ego that much of a boost at six thirty in the morning.
“I thought you were going to the gym before work?”
“Your horny little ass kept me up until two last night. I needed my beauty sleep.” He shrugs as he spritzes on some cologne. It makes the bathroom smell like the softest vanilla and cedar and him. It threatens to go to my head.
“Ikept you up?” I nudge him with my hip. “Pretty sure you have that all wrong.”
I fell asleep after we’d engaged in a little sexual fun, buthe’sthe one who woke me up for round two via his mouth on my vahooch.
“Yes, you,” he retorts and moves his body to stand directly behind me while I’m leaning forward to put on some lipstick. “If you wouldn’t have been all naked in my bed, I would’ve gone to sleep. But nooo, you just had to have your perfect pussy out to tempt me.”
“Your reasoning could be classified as gaslighting right now, Big Mack. Which is seriously deranged, considering the circumstances for this discussion.”
He waggles his brows at me in the mirror as he slides his hands under my dress to grip my ass through my panties. “There’s something about that nickname that I thoroughly enjoy,” he says as he presses his half-hard cock against me. “It feels right, you know?”
“Oh my God!” I retort on a laugh and turn around to push him and his grabby hands away from me. “You need to leave this bathroom right now, mister. I refuse to let you pull me into your perverted sex web! I have a busy day today, and I am not going to be late.”
“Fine.” Mack just laughs it off and puts his hands behind his back like he’s going to be handcuffed any minute. “I certainly don’t want to be the reason you’re late today, of all days.”
I quirk a brow at him.
“Career Day,” he answers my silent question, and I am shocked when I realize he’s completely right.
Today is the big Career Day that I’ve been planning for the past several weeks. And I pretty much forgot about it.
How in the hell did that happen?
It probably has something to do with that sex web you mentioned.
“I guess I’ll let you finish getting ready,” he states and leans down to press a kiss to my lips. He doesn’t care when he sees that some of my lipstick finds its way onto his face. He just smiles at the discovery in the mirror before swiping it off with his hand. “I’ll make myself useful and prep us a quick to-go breakfast. Sound good?”