I coax her mouth to slow down, easing our kisses from greedy to soft. I slide my hands out from under her dress, and once I ease her to her feet, I find a way to gently disconnect us entirely.
Her hand goes to her lips, touching the swollen flesh with wide, surprised eyes. “What in the hell was that, Mack?”
“An emergency.”
She scowls at me, but she also laughs.Thank fuck.
“Let me come over to your place tonight,” I request. “So we can finish what we started.”
She searches my eyes for a long moment and then surprises the hell out of me by saying, “No,” with a mischievous smile on her face as she does it. It’s a contradiction, but it feels like a good contradiction.
“No,” she repeats and stands on her tippy-toes to press a kiss to my mouth. “See you tomorrow, Mack,” she says as she turns on her heel, even offering a little wave goodbye over her shoulder as she walks down the steps.
And just like that, she leaves me standing there on the auditorium stage with a hard cock and a dropped jaw.
That final move of hers feels like some kind of game she’s playing with me, and hell if I’m not more than a little intrigued to see where the chips fall next.
Saturday, April 2nd
At a little before five in the evening, I step through the doors of The Diner. It’s a hip little restaurant in SoHo where I’m meeting Anna for dinner.
Since I’m ten minutes early and I just got a text from her letting me know she’s running ten minutes late—both typical for us—I grab a booth by the window and order an iced tea while I wait.
As I squeeze a lemon into my drink the friendly waiter by the name of Susie just brought, my phone pings with a text notification. I pull it out of my purse, half expecting it to be Anna saying she’s running another five minutes late, but I’m pleasantly surprised when I see it’s from my crazy father.
Daddio: Do you know where my insurance card is?
This, right here, is typical of my relationship with my parents. Even hundreds of miles away from them, I still have to help them keep their life organized.
Me: In the file cabinet in Mom’s craft room.
Daddio: Are you sure? Mom said it wasn’t in there.
Me: Who do you trust more to keep track of documents? Me or Mom?
Daddio: Good point. By the way, how’s your foot, Katybug? Still connected, I hope.
Me: I went to the doctor Tuesday, had my stitches removed, and now, I no longer need crutches. Pretty much back to my normal activities.
Daddio: Glad to hear you’re running full steam again. Did you still manage to enjoy the rest of your trip with Mack Attack?
Mack Attack?My dad is on a nickname basis with him?
Me: I didn’t go on the trip with Mack, Dad. We just ended up being stuck in the same rental together.
Daddio: But you had fun?
Oh yeah, you definitely had some serious fun withMack Attackin Destin.
And during your road trip back to New York.
And don’t forget about yesterday afternoon in the auditorium…
I scoff at myself and send a response that doesn’t involve revealing my sex life to my father.