“He is a smart kid. He really is.” Her normally pretty smile turns sad. “But as you know, there have been a lot of changes in Seth’s life in the last couple of years. I have a feeling his disruptive behavior coincides with phone calls with his father. Unfortunately, his dad isn’t the most present at the current moment, only calls to check in occasionally, and I think Seth is having a hard time with that.” She pauses for a second, adding, “Though, the Nate Bargatze thing is definitely on me. I just watched that special too.”
“That makes sense,” I agree, thankful for the insight. “And I’m really sorry you’re going through all of this. Divorces are hard, and when you have kids involved, I can imagine they’re even harder.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” she says through a snort. “Some days, I feel like a mom at the playground who is trying to keep her fifty-five kids from running out in the street. It’s been rough, but I do feel like we’re really finding our way in New York.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“You’re too nice for your own good. I honestly feel like I’m indebted to you because of all the hassle my son has given you this year,” she says through a soft sigh.
“You are not indebted to me,” I refute. “This is part of being a teacher, Sammy.”
She nods, but her mouth is still turned down at the corners.
“Plus, for as inconvenient as it is sometimes, Seth is immensely entertaining. I wouldn’t be surprised if he finds a career in show business.”
She starts to open her mouth, but when her eyes flit to a spot on my desk, she pauses for a long second before saying, “Not to change the subject entirely, but do you like that author?”
I glance down and see that she’s spotted my current lunch reading material,Accidental Attachment. “Brooke Baker? Oh my goodness, Iloveher. She’s one of my favorite authors. Have you ever read any of her stuff?’
“I’ve read all of her stuff. Funny thing…” Sammy smiles in a way that I can’t quite discern. “I actually know her…pretty well.”
I stare at her in disbelief. “You know Brooke Baker?”
“She’s my sister.”
“Are you serious?” My mouth parts in shock, and my palms just find their way to my desk with an audible slap. “Brooke Baker is your sister?”
“I know it’s crazy, but yeah, she is.”
“How cool is that!” I say, and a big smile consumes my face. “Well, you should tell her one of her biggest fans is Seth’s teacher. I swear, TheShadow Brothers trilogy is the best thing I’ve ever read.”
Sammy grins. “I’ll definitely tell her.”
My phone vibrates on the top of my desk with a text notification, and I almost ignore it until I see the word “emergency” in the message.
“I’m so sorry, but I need to check this really quick.”
“Of course.”
Mack: Big emergency related to Career Day. Can you meet me in the auditorium after school? 4:00 p.m.?
What the heck? Did something happen to the auditorium?
While I’d love to ask him a thousand questions about what is going on, I refuse to be rude and send a quickYesback before setting my phone down on my desk again.
“So sorry about that, Sammy. Now, where were we…”
“What is this Career Day?” she asks and points to the stack of flyers on my desk.
“Oh, it’s just a day for the students where we invite some people in the community to come in and talk about their careers. I’m in charge of planning it with another teacher.”
“If you don’t mind my asking, who’s coming in to talk?”
I cringe and laugh at the same time. “I’m still working on that part.”
“Well, I’d love to help you out with this,” she says, and her mouth morphs into a proud smile. “I have two people who would be great for this.”