“Of course,” he says. “I’ll share all of my snacks with you.”
I reach eagerly for the Twinkie when he pulls it back just slightly, glancing between me and the road. “There’s just one condition on the offer.”
“Of course there’s a condition. Why didn’t I expect as much?”
“It’s really easy, I swear. You just have to answer one question, and the answer has to be honest.”
“That’s it?”
He nods. “That’s it.”
“Okay, what’s the question?”
“Oh. Yeah. That’s the one other thing. You can’t know the question until you promise you’ll answer honestly.”
I roll my eyes. “That sounds like two conditions.”
“Take it or leave it, Katy Cat.” He laughs and takes another bite of his Twinkie. “Mmm-mm-mmm. I have to say, these might be the best Twinkies I’ve ever had.”
I don’t humor him with a response. Instead, I cross my arms over my chest and look out the window, watching the trees and highway road signs pass by at a quick pace.
“Just FYI,” Mack adds. “I’d decide soon because I’m already diving into Twinkie number two.”
I glance over at him once more, and he’s not lying. The man is already halfway through the second Twinkie in that package. Soon enough, he’ll be diving into Twinkie number three.
You better move it or lose it, sister.
“Okay, fine!” I exclaim. “I agree.”
“And you’re going to answer the question honestly?”
“Yes, Mack.”I groan. “I agreed, didn’t I?”
“Fantastic,” he says and hands me the package with two snack cakes left inside. “Consider yourself two Twinkies richer.”
Oh boy.I grin like a child who just convinced her parents to buy her a Barbie after they said no. And I certainly don’t hesitate to take a big bite out of one of the snack cakes. The instant the soft vanilla cake hits my tongue, a small sound of delight escapes my lungs. And that sound is echoed when the whipped cream filling follows.
“Hell yes.”
Mack glances at me briefly, and when I raise my eyebrows in impatience, he dives right in. “Why did you freak out after we had sex?”
My cheeks heat to a balmy one thousand degrees, and the cinch of his trap tightens around my ankle. I don’t know how I didn’t see this coming, but this is what you’d call cornered and then some. “That’syour question?”
He nods. “I would have asked sooner, but you’ve kind of been avoiding me since the moment we finished.” He shrugs. “So, what better time than now?”
I am shocked.Floored.This is the last place I thought his question would go. I mean, seriously? Is he really asking me that right now?
“I haven’t been avoiding you.”
“You basically ghosted me.”
“I did not ghost you.”