I turn from the sink and lean my hips into it, conscious of just how fast my head is spinning and the very real danger that I might not stay up without the assistance.
Just face the facts, girlfriend. You don’t hate Mack Houston. Youlikehim. A lot.
My head feels like a minefield, trying to wrap itself around this past week. I mean, has Mack really grown on me that much?Yes, he certainly has.
When I almost jump out of my skin when his arm brushes mine as he sets his dishes in the sink, I redirect my thoughts to simple things like cleaning up.
“Do you want me to help with the dishes?” I ask, even though I’m pretty sure they’ll all end up broken if I try to handle them right now.
“No way, Katy Cat. I’ve got it covered.”
I nod, grabbing my crutches and scooting away from the sink to put some space between us but carefully keeping the support of the counter.
Still, I don’t know what the hell to do with myself. I shift my weight from side to side and chew at my cheek to no relief. My body feels like a live wire, zapping and surging with the conflict-waging war inside.
I started this week thinking Mack Houston was the one man I hated, but now it feels like the world is topsy-turvy and I’ve been wrong about him the whole time. Despite the wine and donut fiasco, he’s been sweet to me. He’s been thoughtful and kind, and he’s never hesitated to help me out when I needed him.
That, combined with the fact that I’ve always secretly considered him one of the most attractive men I’ve ever seen, is not proving to be an easy thing to comprehend.
It was a lot easier when I thought he was just an uber-hot jerk.
How am I supposed to move forward with the realization that he’s actually an uber-hot, super-fun, unbelievably considerate guy?
My eyes find their way to where Mack stands at the sink. His hair hangs over his forehead in the sexiest way, and his biceps flex as he moves dishes from the sink and into the dishwasher. His jawline is strong like a male runway model, and his lips even look soft and full from his side profile.
I’d be an idiot if I weren’t willing to admit that Mack Houston is a stone-cold fox. It’s why any woman who ends up in his vicinity has to pick her jaw up off the floor. It’s why every female coworker at Calhoun giggles and blushes when he flashes a smile or wink in her direction. It’s why those college chicks wanted me to give him their number.
And it’s why you couldn’t take your eyes off him when you were touching yourself in the bath…
Just the mere thought of that night has my skin vibrating with a thousand different emotions. A part of me is completely embarrassed, but there’s another part that’s turned on by the visuals I have from it.
Maybe you should just kiss him and see what happens…
Or maybe I should just go to bed before I do something crazy.
Yeah. That’s probably exactly what I should do.
“I guess I’m going to head to bed, then,” I say quietly, but my words just urge a pit of disappointment to fill my stomach.
Mack nods, smiles, and then jumps from his spot at the sink, holding up a finger. “Oh, wait! Just one thing I almost forgot.” He runs into the pantry mysteriously, and I can’t help but watch his firm ass as he goes.
There’s that ass you’ve been secretly gawking at all damn week.
He digs around in there, I can tell by the sound, and when he pops back out, he’s holding up a book—a veryspecificbook.Accidental Attachmentby Brooke Baker. The one I was telling him just this morning that I wanted to find a bookstore for. As he emerges, he hoists it up to show it to me, and my heart trips over itself like a clumsy kid over their shoelace.
“I ran out before, while you were cleaning up from the beach. I’m pretty sure it’s the one you were talking about, but you should double-check it just to be sure. I’ll go back if it’s not right.”
I blink and stare down at the book in his hands. “You got me the book I was talking about this morning?”
“Of course. I saw a bookstore right by the market where I picked up the groceries, and I know you finished the trilogy today. I couldn’t not get it for you.”
Overcome by the entirely unexpected gesture, I cross the room with the help of one of my crutches, press up onto the toes of my left foot, and before I can stop myself or second-guess it, I put my lips to his cheek. His skin smells of salt and sea and cleanliness at the same time. It’s confusing, sure—but it’s also unbelievably arousing.
Pulling away, I give my head a quick shake to clear it. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He smiles simply, and his eyes stare down at me, searching my gaze with his own.
The space feels charged, and I’m frozen in place, unable to remove myself from his presence. Mack’s eyes are a bright, grassy green, and I can’t look away from them while it feels like my whole body throbs.