“Very astute, Ms. Dayton. You should be a teacher.”
“Shut up, you lunatic. Stop taking off your clothes!”
“I really don’t want to shower in my clothes,” I contest, doing a little spin in my boxer briefs to give her a grin. “All that wet fabric freaks me out.”
“What?” she yells, annoyed with my nonsense.
“I have a thing about wet clothing.”
“No, you don’t.” She scoffs. “You literally had a water balloon fight at school yesterday!”
“Ah, but you only get wet if you lose.”
“What are we even talking about? Stop trying to change the subject, andstop taking off your clothes!”she commands on a scream, her volume and panic escalating notably as I step into the bathroom, grab the waistband of my boxer briefs, and start to shove them down as well.
“Sorry,” I say without turning around. “Can’t.”
“Oh my God, that’s your ass. I see your ass!”
“Bare asses are usually involved in showers, Katy, but I think the biggest question here is, why are you staring at my ass?”
“You’re a total psycho, you know that?”
I look back over my shoulder and wink.
I also laugh when I take in the shocked look on her face, and she lets out a cry of animalistic proportions. “Oh my God, this isn’t funny!”
“Trust me, Katy Cat, it’s funny,” I call over my shoulder as I step into the shower and turn on the spray. “Anyway, if you want to finish up with your shower, don’t be afraid to come in here. I, personally, am not scared of a double-booking,” I tease, working her up even further.
Katy might not like the idea of getting into a shower with me, but I wouldn’t mind even a little. Something about her attitude gets another—ahem—part of me excited.
Roaaar. Wildcat.
When Mack finally comes out of the hallway bathroom, I’ve managed to rinse the shampoo out of my hair and throw on some clothes from my bag. Luckily, I’ve also succeeded in washing awaysomeof the bad feelings too.
I’m not saying I’m feeling a sense of camaraderie and am ready to sing “Kumbaya” around a campfire with him, but I’m not wielding a pitchfork either.
That said, it might be because I didn’t have the foresight to pack one in my luggage.
His hair curls around his ears, beads of water still clinging to the strands, and his bright-green eyes shine with an intangible mix of mischief and good nature. I don’t know what to make of him—I never know what to make of him. But in this environment, without the pressure of professionalism, it’s as if the power of his smile is a little—okay,a lot—more potent.
I’m so annoyed with the situation we’re in—and with the abysmal way he’s handled it—but for whatever reason, all I can think about is the way his bare ass looked when he dropped his drawers in the middle of the hallway. Tight and toned and…juicy.
Sweet Jesus. I’m losing it.It’s been wayyy too long since the sun has shone on the Prideland, if you know what I’m saying.
Since the flower has been watered. Since the pipes have been cleaned out. Since…I’ve had an orgasm from something other than myself and a vibrator.
I suck my lips into my mouth as he comes over to the couch I’m sitting on and takes a seat on the other end. I chew on the inside of my cheek and pull my knees up to my chest as he crosses his ankle over his knee and smiles a downright gorgeous smile at me.
Handsome freak.
No wonder everyone loves him so much…
“Listen…” he starts, holding up his hands almost nervously. Almost contrite—a different look from him entirely. “I feel a little bad. We’ve gotten off on the wrong foot here. We shouldn’t be bickering. We should be making the best out of this free vacation, you know? I don’t want to be your enemy, and I don’t intend to get in the way of your fun.” He meets my eyes, and his lips bend down slightly at the corners. “I shouldn’t have been so flippant about getting in the shower when I knew you were upset. I’m really sorry about that, Katy.”
His words completely disarm me, and a soft sigh escapes my lips as I search the depths of his green eyes to gauge his honesty.