I hand her my credit card, she swipes it, and hands me the receipt. “Have a good one, Mack.”
“You too, Sally.”
I grab my bag, shuffle through the Marty’s Deli crowd, and the bell jingles as I walk out the door. This spot is only half a block from Calhoun, which gives me just enough time to get back and into my classroom so I can enjoy my lunch.
But just as I’m heading in the doors of school, my phone vibrates several times in my back pocket. I pull it out to find two new messages from Lizzy and Thatch.
Ladies first, always, I click on my sister’s text.
Lizzy: Your niece won’t stop talking about how much fun she had with you and Katy. She’s requesting another night with you two soon. PS: How is Ms. Katy?
Even though I know Graciedidhave an awesome night with Katy and me last weekend, I’m not a moron. This message’s sole purpose is to aid my sister’s urge to pry into my business.
Her nosy ass can definitely wait on a response, I think to myself as I open Thatch’s message next.
Thatch: How’s Ms. Dayton? You still hot for teacher?
Why does it feel like everyone is texting me about Katy? It’s not that I mind it, but it’s just strange.
As I step into the teachers’ lounge to grab some napkins, I decide to respond to Thatch’s message. Though, I pointedly choose to ignore his questions about Katy.
Me: How are Kline, Wes, and Cap? All three still alive, I hope?
Thatch: Ha. Nice deflection, Mackie. And Kline and Wes are fine. Cap is a fucker. Still alive, but a fucker.
Me: I know our last investor meeting almost turned to bloodshed over your future career as a children’s book author, but I’m hoping maybe we can give it another go and quite possibly get some official investors on board with the foundation…
Thatch: All right. I’ll take the bait. I guess I have time to play Santa Claus right now and bring you a bag full of good news.
Me: Are you saying what I think you’re saying?
Thatch: It’s looking like your little music foundation is going to have four investors, bud.
Me: You better not be fucking with me right now.
Thatch: Would I fuck with you?
Me: Yes, you would, actually. And you do all the time.
Thatch: No lube or penetration needed. I can say with certainty that all four of us are in. I’ll get a meeting scheduled to finalize the details soon.
Thatch: Congrats, McMack. Looks like your dreams are coming true.
I’m pretty much pacing the teachers’ lounge by the end of our conversation, and by the time I shove my phone into my pocket, I’ve completely forgotten about my lunch.
“You got the shits or something, Mack?”
I look across the room to find Alma sitting at one of the tables, staring at me.
“It always happens to me after I eat cottage cheese.” She gives me more info than I certainly need. “I got some Imodium in my bag, if you need it.
“Thanks, but my stomach is good, Alma,” I say through a laugh and run a hand through my hair. “I just got some news that’s almost too good to be true.”
She shrugs and takes a bite from her sandwich, unbothered.
I grab my bagged lunch and dart out of the lounge. There’s only one place I want to go, and my feet don’t have any problem taking me there.