Page 25 of Chase

He looked around the table at all of us. “But in the meantime, I’ve gotten clearance for us to go after the VP for what he did to Sophia.” I sat up straighter, setting my coffee cup down. Scorpion looked over at me. “Your woman, your call. How do you want to handle this, Chase?”

I grinned, and Tango chuckled, looking positively fucking gleeful at the idea of getting blood on his hands. No one mentioned the boy he was protecting, so I figured that was off the table for the time being, though I had no doubt Scorpion was being informed of everything going on between the two of them.

“I’d like to pull in the mother charter for a day or two,” I told Scorpion. “Blayke and Dom are two of the best guys we have when it comes to stealth, and I want them in on this. We can’t risk being spotted yet. My only goal is to infiltrate, get the VP, and get the fuck out of there.”

He nodded once. “Good call,” Scorpion said. “I’ll reach out to Johnston when we finish here.”

“Please fucking tell me I’m going to be part of the torture,” Tango practically begged. “I just need to watch him get what’s coming for him, brother.” I looked over at him, arching a single brow. There was a darkness simmering in his eyes, something not present unless he was feeling particularly angry about something. And I had a feeling his protectiveness over the boy he’d taken in was sparking his need for blood.

There was no telling what hell that kid had endured, and if Tango was ready to unleash Hell for him… Well, it had to be pretty fucking bad.

I nodded once at him. He relaxed back into his chair. I looked at Scorpion. “Make the call. In the meantime, I think we should call lockdown.”

Scorpion nodded in agreement and cleared his throat. “All in favor of lockdown?”

All hands at the table went up. Scorpion grunted. “Good. Tango, get your boy here.” Multiple eyes swung to him in surprise, but Tango didn’t even flinch. It wasn’t Tango’s sexuality they were worried about. It had never been a secret that, like Mark, Tango batted for both teams. But itwasa surprise that he was hiding someone he cared about from the club.

Then again, none of us should have been surprised. Tango kept shit close to his chest. And after the months it took him to really trust any of us… Tango came from his own trauma, which none of us knew the story of. Only knew because of the shit we’d seen him go through in his mind before he found an outlet. Maybe whatever he went through was why he’d suddenly become so attached to the kid, too.

“No one open your fucking mouths,” Scorpion ground out when he saw Gidget getting ready to lash out at Tango. “I told Tango to keep it on the low for a fucking reason. No one will harass the boy, and you willallmake him feel welcome. Do I make myself clear?”

Rounds of agreement went up around the table, though some didn’t look happy about it considering we didn’t keep secrets. I took a sip of my coffee and grimaced in disgust. God, I couldn’t wait for Sophia to wake up so she could make me a decent fucking cup like she had been the past few mornings, even when we were on the outs. This shit tasted like pure ass.

“Anyone got anything else to bring to the table?” Scorpion asked. When no one said anything, he slammed his gavel down and pushed back from the table, heading out to go make a call to Johnston. I stood as well and crossed the room to Tango. He arched a brow at me.

“You want someone to ride with you?” I asked him.

He sighed. “I don’t know how he’s going to feel about this,” he said, referring to the boy he’d rescued that none of us knew the name of except him. “Gabriel isn’t… he’s struggling, Chase.”

I clapped a hand to his shoulder. “I’ll ride with you. And I’ll keep my mouth shut and stay distant so he doesn’t feel overwhelmed.”

He frowned at me. “What about Sophia?”

“What about me?” my woman asked, stepping into the chapel with a cup of coffee. She held it out to me, and I groaned in pure fucking ecstasy, immediately taking a sip.Fucking finally. I gripped the side of her neck after and pressed a hard kiss to her lips.

My fucking savior.

“I need to ride with Tango to go get someone from his place. We’re going on lockdown,” I informed her.

I immediately hated the look of disappointment on her face. I knew she wanted to spend time with me, but she also knew the club came first. And Tango trusted me more than he trusted anyone else. Always had.

I ran my hand down her arm before grabbing her hand in mine. Tango looked between the two of us before looking like a whole fucking lightbulb lit up in his brain. I had to bite back a snort of amusement.

“If Scorpion will allow it, see if she can ride with you,” Tango said. “It might do him some good to see her alive.”

“Me?” Sophia asked in confusion, her eyes bouncing between the two of us as she tried to figure out what was going on.

I swallowed before setting the coffee mug on the table. Then, I gripped her upper arms, rubbing my thumbs soothingly along her skin. “The boy—Gabriel—that I need to ride with Tango to go get is part of the crew that ordered the attack on you.” Fear widened her dark eyes, clouding the pretty color. I cupped her cheek, keeping her eyes locked on mine. I didn’t need her going into her head. Not when I needed to ride out. “He’s young, cupcake. So fucking young and tossed into a world he wanted no part of just because of who his father is.”

She looked at Tango and then back at me. “And you two trust him?” she croaked, looking like she wasn’t trusting either of our judgments right then. I had to admit, that cut deep. But I also knew what she’d endured. How much she was still suffering from that fucking attack.

Tango and I both nodded. “He told us everything,” Tango told her quietly. “And he was fucking torn apart knowing he couldn’t help you that night. He was supposed to go, but he fought it, Sophia. And it got him beat, raped too,” I ground my teeth together so hard, both of them could hear it, “and then locked in a fucking dog kennel.”

Sophia flinched at the word rape as I stared at Tango in horror. He clenched his jaw, a storm brewing in his eyes. “Jesus fucking Christ,” I finally swore, closing my eyes. That poor fucking kid.

Tango nodded. “He’s as much of a victim as she is,” he quietly told me.

Sophia nodded, drawing in a deep breath. Her fingers curled into my cut like it was her lifeline. “I’ll ride.”