"Aren't you going to be a good girl for us, sunshine? I'm sure Dylan would love to have you suck his cock as well," Hud growled next to my ear.
I lifted my head and looked at Dylan, raw need met my gaze, and I knew he was barely holding himself back. Why he didn't want to just fuck me I didn't know, but I wasn't about to push him.
If he wanted a blow job, I wasn't going to be the one to deny him. I didn't just roll over, I did a full one-eighty. "I want to taste you, Dylan. Let me?"
He groaned at my words, and his hands went to his belt. My gaze was so glued to him as he undid his pants that it might have made Hud a little jealous, since he chose that moment to smack my ass.
I yelped in surprise, but he was already soothing the sting by rubbing the area he'd just smacked. His hands went from rubbing my ass to spreading my legs.
When I glanced up at Dylan, I saw that he was watching what Hud was doing with interest. I pushed my hips up, wiggling my butt in the air.
"You really are beautiful, Evie." Dylan's voice was soft for a moment before he added, "I want you on your knees in front of me, with my cock all the way down your throat, while Hud tastes that sweet pussy of yours."
I was so drunk on pleasure that I didn't care what position he put me in so long as I kept feeling the way I was in that moment. With no small amount of effort, I wiggled my way off of the desk and onto the floor as Hud came around the desk to Dylan’s side.
By the time I was where Dylan told me to be, his pants were undone and his cock was ready and waiting for me. He wasn't as long as Hud, but he was wider, and to top it off, he had piercings. Plural. I had no idea what it was called, but silver bars lined the underside of his cock. Suddenly, the idea of giving him head was intimidating.
Hud's hands grabbed my ass as he positioned himself under me. "Sit on my face, sweetheart."
"I'll suffocate you!" I protested.
He grinned up at me from where he was laying on the floor. "If that's how I'm meant to go out, then I'll die a happy man."
I reached out and took Dylan's cock in my hand, feeling the piercings. The metal was slightly cooler than the skin around it. Just touching his cock had Dylan's eyes rolling in the back of his head.
As I leaned forward, he seemed to sense my trepidation and said, "Don't rush, and if it feels uncomfortable, stop. The last thing I want is for these to hurt you. They are supposed to be for pleasure after all."
"Also sit on my fucking face and stop teasing me with that pussy that's just out of reach," Hud grumbled before physically pulling me down until I was sure I was smothering him. When I tried to move, he held me there. Once his tongue started flicking against my clit, I stopped caring as much. He was a big boy, he could move me if he needed to.
I leaned forward as much as I could and pulled Dylan's dick down so I could wrap my mouth around the head of his cock. Each inch I took into my mouth was an adventure. I'd never been with someone who was pierced before, and it seemed to make him more sensitive.
Each swirl of my tongue had him groaning and rocking his hips upward, as though he couldn't help but move. His breath was coming in sharp pants as I began to move up and down, tracing my tongue along each of the barbells that went through the underside of his shaft.
Hud thrust two fingers into me, filling me and making me whimper with need around Dylan's manhood, which only made Dylan moan with pleasure. Without worrying about it, I started riding Hud's fingers and tongue, chasing my climax once more as I greedily sucked on Dylan's cock.
I was so lost in the sensations that I didn't even notice Dylan's hands landing on my head until he pushed me further down on his cock, the barbells sliding against my tongue as I swallowed him down. "Fuck, Evie. Your mouth is incredible."
Hud growled with agreement under me, and the vibrations pushed me over an edge I didn't even realize I'd been near as pleasure pounded through my veins. Dylan fucked my mouth hard for a few strokes before finding his own release, spilling himself in my mouth as my body quivered and shook.
The three of us were spent, and though Hud was still lazily licking me like he was trying to get every last drop he could from me, I knew I wouldn't be able to handle a third orgasm. If they gave it to me, I'd probably just pass out or something.
I kind of rolled off Hud and leaned against one of Dylan's legs as I tried to catch my breath. The experience of being with the two of them was unlike anything else, and I found myself hoping it wasn't a one time thing.
Dylan's hand found the top of my head and patted it almost drunkenly. "The next time we do that, I'm going to be balls deep inside your pussy when I come. Understand, sunshine?"
"Can't wait," I replied with a grin as I tilted my head to look up at him.
Hud turned on his side and pushed up on one elbow. "Same, though I still didn't see your face when you came. Maybe I should go for another round just so I can see your forehead wrinkle as you lose control."
I shook my head. "I can't take it."
"We need to work up to that," Dylan agreed. "She's still recovering from everything after all." The words were an uncomfortable reminder of everything I'd succeeded in blocking from my mind for the last however long they'd been pleasuring me.
"I know some fun ways to build up your stamina," Hud said with a growl as he nipped at my thigh. He seemed to sense that Dylan's words had shifted my mood.
A smile broke out across my face. "I bet you do. For right now though, I'm going to go shower."
"You can walk?" Dylan asked, sounding surprised.