Page 19 of Dark Knight

I wanted to come home from a long day and have her spread naked on my desk like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Most of all, I wanted her to want me as much as I wanted her. Suddenly, my head was filled with images of the two of us together, but with Hudson there as well. He was balls deep in her throat while I fucked her from behind, and it was the idea of the three of us together that had me spilling myself into my hand.

Those thoughts were unexpected, to say the least. Still, the scenario was something to explore if given the opportunity. I cleaned up as quickly as I could and tucked myself back into my pants before I left, returning to the sitting area. Evie was there, her face flushed and nipples hard enough that I could see them through her dress. It took everything I had not to go to her, grab her, and take her upstairs.

Even though I'd just taken care of my hard on, it didn't help. My cock was stiffening again in my pants. "Go and put something less revealing on," I grunted. "But still sexy." The last bit was more of a precaution. She knew we were going to a strip club, and I felt sure she'd dress appropriately. Orgasms could make the mind fuzzy, so a reminder didn't hurt.

Evie didn't respond, just stood from the couch and left the room. It made me wonder if anything happened while I was absent. From the way Hud was still fixed to his spot just inside the doorway, I doubted it.

"When do you want her to start work?" he asked, his voice deeper and rougher than usual.

The truth was, I didn't want her to start work at all. The idea of other men looking at her, even if she wasn't stripping, was enough to drive me crazy. Still, I couldn't make exceptions to every rule for her, or my business would become chaos.

If I was smart, I never would have gotten involved in the first place, but that ship had long since sailed. Still, I knew it was a bad idea to get involved with her, to treat her any differently than I would anyone else in my organization. The idea of never seeing her again, of kicking that beautiful sunshine out of my life just because it would help with my image or keep my people in line, pissed me off.

Why did I have to give up something that made me happy, that brought me pleasure, for them? I resolved then and there that I wouldn't. She would be in my life as long as she wanted to be.

"Dylan?" Hud's voice reminded me that I still hadn't answered his question.

"Let's just see how tonight goes first," I replied. It was a cop out, and we both knew it. He didn't push any further, which I was grateful for.

All I got in return was a grunt, and I took that as an agreement. It was rare for Hud and me to disagree on things, and even though I had a jealous streak, apparently my mind had already made peace with the idea of sharing Evie with Hud.

It was clear that she was attracted to both of us, so I wasn't going to ruin it by making her choose, especially when she didn't know either of us that well. Besides, what would I do if she chose Hud over me?



When we got into the club, it was clear that the business was owned by Dylan based on how people reacted as he walked in. Whispers and nudges ran through the staff at an alarming rate. However, it wasn't what I'd expected of a strip club. There was nothing run down or seedy looking about it. In fact, it looked more elegant than most other businesses in the area.

Black marble covered the wall of the building where the front door was located and continued into the entryway. Veins of white were the only thing breaking up the vast darkness. A symbol was the only signage that the place had, a wing-like shape with a swirl around it stood out in stark white neon lights.

As we walked up, all of the bouncers dipped their heads, greeting their boss…or boss's boss maybe. None of them stopped us, or told us to get in line, or do anything crazy like that. I could just imagine Dylan's reaction, and it wouldn't be a good one. I had no doubt that if they treated him like a regular employee, they wouldn't be working there the next day. Dylan wasn’t the type to put up with disrespect, that was evident from the way he interacted with others and the way he’d treated me from the start.

Hudson was just a tall shadow behind us, looming and scaring everybody. Actually, that wasn't right. He didn't appear to be scaring the people who didn't understand who he was. It was only those who understood who Dylan was that were scared of Hud. Their gazes would lock onto Dylan before drifting over his shoulder and seeing Hud, at which point they’d turn or walk away from the area that we were moving through.

For the most part, he looked like a puppy dog. It was when you really looked into his eyes that you saw the difference. His eyes were full of a darkness that only comes from living through some shit, which made me wonder what his life had been like.

I half expected us to use an employee entrance, but I guess I should have guessed that Dylan wouldn't do something like that. As we strolled in the front door, the music hit me like a wave.

The bass vibrated through the floor, rattling my bones in a way that I've loved ever since I left the cult I grew up in. Nothing quite filled me with the same exhilaration as music.

A DJ sounded off, announcing the next dancer on the main stage. I couldn't make out her name, but the rest of the audience must have because there was clapping and cheering. As we made our way deeper into the club, my gaze was drawn to her. I wanted to go and watch. I was transfixed by her movements, even from this far away, but Hudson's hand landed on my shoulders while Dylan's landed on the small of my back. They escorted me toward the bar.

The dress Dylan had me change into was positively Victorian in how conservative it was, at least in comparison to what most of the women surrounding us were wearing. It wasn't just the dancers who were scantily clad, but the bartender and the waitresses as well. Hell, I could have come in the lingerie that I bought with Hud and been more dressed than some of them, which made me wonder exactly why Dylan had had me change at all.

The bartender’s eyes went wide when she saw us standing there. She immediately knew who Dylan was and came over to see what was going on. "Do you need me to get the manager?" she asked. I expected her to flirt with him, and yet she didn't. She barely even batted an eye. How anybody heard her with her voice so soft and high pitched, I wasn't sure.

The woman was in a corset-like top that practically shoved her boobs up to her chin, and I couldn't deny that I was a little jealous. It looked so effortless for them to be there, and yet whenever I tried to do that with mine, it looked awkward and painful, like I was about to break whatever I was wearing. Her vivid red hair was twirled up in a big braided bun on top of her head while tendrils hung down the sides of her face and neck, curling from heat and sweat.

"What's with the getup?" Dylan asked instead of answering her question.

She winked at him. "It's Wild West Wednesday."

For the first time, I realized I had no idea what day of the week it was.

"That explains the cowboy hats and leather vests," Hudson murmured next to me. I looked up at him, expecting him to be watching the bartender, but he wasn't. He was scanning the crowd, on high alert for threats.

I glanced around as well and saw what he was talking about. What I saw wasn’t leather biker vests. They were wild west leather vests. Two very different things.