She sucked – and his finger invaded her ass. She groaned, fighting it as he worked his way in. She couldn’t scream, couldn’t squirm away. He guided her head up and down his shaft while his finger violated her rear channel.
Bottom stinging, clitoris throbbing, pussy dripping, Selena went wild. Despite her embarrassment, pain and discomfort disappeared once he breached the tight sphincter, replaced by a flicker of arousal. He probed deeper. The flicker burst into flame. She wanted to scream, but his cock filled her mouth. Haldor mastered her, took her as he pleased. Mouth and ass. To her shock, the realization that she was no longer in control sent her flying. Freed of all responsibility, all restraints. Her hands gripped his cock tighter; her mouth opened wide.
Selena’s burst of fever fueled his passion. The farther she took him down her throat, the deeper his finger delved. Opening her to another world of wild sensation, one she’d never known existed. She rocked back, taking it in.
His hand twisted in her hair, holding her head in place. Haldor fucked her mouth with his cock. Fucked her ass with his finger.
Selena gave up all thought. Gave in to wicked ravishment, gave way to raw lust. She came hard, shuddered as wave after wave poured over her then sucked him harder. Felt his body tighten and start to quiver. He groaned, rammed his finger inside her, and exploded. Her body responded instantly, rocketing her to another climax, even higher than the last.
Wordlessly, he drew her into his arms, cradled her against his body. Limp, sated, she melted into him.
Chapter Thirteen
Selena couldn’t help feeling intimidated.
She’d never seen such a huge throng in the great hall. Level after level, each filled with tiers of seats, stretched a hundred stories high. From where she sat, in the fourth row back on the raised dais, she couldn’t find a single familiar face in the assembled crowd.
Minister Symon had arranged for a short ceremony honoring her during the opening session of the Gathering of the Galaxies, the convention where delegates from every planet in the Interstellar Federation came together to vote on important matters and choose their high council for the coming term. Selena had been in the great hall before, but she’d never attended a gathering.
All morning, well-known hosts from different planets had been roaming through the crowd interviewing delegates from far-off worlds. Each one had a team in place, editing the rough footage to choose the funniest, the wildest, the most heart-rending stories of the journeys that led the delegates here. Then, during the afternoon session, each host presented a short program featuring his or her favorite segments.
Or theirs, in the case of the conjoined hermaphrodites from G77v, a crowd favorite according to Symon. He’d been filling her in on bits of trivia like that all day.
Symon leaned over, whispered in her ear. “These little clips are my favorite part of opening day. Wait till you see some of the creatures! I think Devan, the host who’s on now, deliberately picks the ugliest beings he can find to interview, just to make himself look better by comparison.” He winced and covered his eyes. “I can hardly bear to look at that one. What are those hideous purple growths all over its face? Oh dear, look. Everyone from their planet has them. Thank goodness we don’t live on that miserable rock!”
She sat through endless speeches by heads of various galaxies in the Federation, delivered to her in her native language through a small earplug she wore, like most of the delegates. Her Tellex chip was useless, since it was designed to function in a setting of full immersion, requiring several hours of nonstop exposure to another language. Instead, a huge assembly of translators with functioning Tellex chips, out of sight somewhere below the main stage, converted the babble of grunts and moans and varying other sounds she had no name for into fluent speech.
All the while, she tried to tamp down her rising tide of panic. A private person, Selena had never sought out publicity. She hated crowds, disliked public speaking. It took weeks every semester for her to become comfortable in the lecture hall with a whole new audience of strangers in the entry-level medical class she taught. She preferred the smaller advanced-level groups where she could work one-on-one with the most promising students. A major reason she’d accepted her latest promotion was that she’d only be required to give one guest lecture a year to the hundreds of new students who entered the bio-medical program.
Looking out at the mass of beings in the great hall, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to deliver her brief thanks without embarrassing herself by standing up in front of everyone and drawing a blank. She’d tried to get out of the ceremony, but Symon was insistent. Selena suspected he wanted his own moment of glory, since he’d be the one to introduce her.
When the time came for her to be presented to the assembly, Selena followed the minister to the center of the dais, legs shaking. After days of anxiety, the entire ceremony passed so quickly, it was all a blur. She only heard bits and pieces of Symon’s introduction “Life-saving procedures…incredible breakthrough…courage…”
Thankfully, when the leader of the Federation stepped forward and placed a medallion around her neck, she remembered to bow. Thunderous applause rang out, deafened her as thoroughly as an exploding rocket from one of those holographic exhibits she’d seen of ancient warfare.
She managed to get out her short speech thanking the Federation for the great honor it had bestowed on her without stumbling over her words. But as soon as it was over, she fled, desperate for a moment alone. Pasting a smile on her face, she thanked the crowd of well-wishers waiting behind the scenes. Then she made her way through a warren of passages below the enormous structure until she found an empty hallway leading off into the distance.
Selena ducked into a small side passage with doorways on either side and sank to the floor, trembling. She’d requested that Haldor accompany her, but Symon wouldn’t hear of it. She suspected the minister feared that the Viking would be a hit with the crowd and steal the limelight.
Haldor had been interviewed by Mia last week. He’d been witty and charming, but he’d also shown a hint of his raw masculine power. He’d struck a nerve with bored Earthers’ craving for something new and different to amuse them. Citizens all over East Metropolis gathered with friends to summon Mia and replay their chat. Holographic Haldor had become a star.
“Certainly, I’d love to have him there, even introduce him to the delegates. After all, he’s the subject of your experiments,” Symon had replied when she asked if Haldor could attend the ceremony. “But, don’t you see, that’s the very reason I think it might be best if the poor creature wasn’t paraded in front of everyone. All those people. Surely a primitive creature such as him isn’t equipped to handle the stress. What if a delegate from another world does or says something he perceives as an insult? Who knows what kind of violent act he might be capable of? After all, it was uncontrolled violence that brought him here.”
Much as she hated to admit it, Symon had a point. Not about the threat of violence. She knew Haldor well enough to know he was capable of as much self-control as any creature at the gathering. But she couldn’t bear the thought of anyone looking at that proud, strong man and seeing only a medical monstrosity brought back to life in a lab.
At least she’d made it through the ordeal without humiliating herself or the ministry. Symon would never have forgiven her if she’d flubbed her speech or forgotten to bow to the leader. Selena fingered the medallion around her neck, made of an element that consisted mostly of consonants and symbols. She knew medical science, not metallurgy. Symon had tried to impress her, explaining how incredibly rare the substance was.
Selena smiled. If it belonged to him, Symon would probably wear it even in the shower. As for her, when she got home, she’d put it in a drawer in her bedroom. If she ever had a child, maybe she’d get it out one day, tell her daughter the story of how her mother almost had a panic attack in front of the entire gathering of the galaxies.
Selena sat there until her breathing slowed, let her mind go blank until she felt calm. Then she rose and headed back down the deserted corridor.
Haldor hadn’t been there to share the moment with her, but he’d love to hear the stories told by beings from other worlds. She looked forward to his laugh when she described Symon’s horror at being confronted with the purple-faced beings. Seeing the tenderness in his eyes when she told him about the young woman from Botrl XR, who made the journey with her dying grandmother, knowing all the while the old woman would never survive long enough to take her seat one last time among the delegates. As the young girl recounted her tale, she’d cradled the urn holding the old woman’s ashes then set it in the place of honor at the head of her delegation while the other members stood and saluted. Even cynical Symon swiped a tear from his eye as he watched that clip.
Over the last two months, she’d discovered Haldor’s gentler side. The warmth and kindness she’d never dreamt a Viking warrior would possess. She’d been introduced to his dry wit the very first night. To her shame, in the beginning she’d constantly underestimated his intelligence. Now, in her opinion, though he may not have possessed the technical skills of Earthers, in many ways his was the more advanced civilization.
Haldor had taught her so much. How to appreciate simple pleasures. Last week, he’d taken a bite of a ripe nectarine on his breakfast tray. A look of bliss came over his face.
“It’s that good?”