Page 14 of Seduction

She couldn’t bear to think of what had happened next. Hoping last night had all been a wicked dream, she turned around.

No. Oh, no.

Faint traces remained on the tender white skin of her buttocks. The imprint of his hand, spanking her hard while he told her all the forbidden things he’d make her do. The things he’d do to her. And then – he did them. Did them all. She shuddered as a wild rush tore through her body at the memory. Her pussy clenched.

No, damn it. It’s not a pussy. It’s a vagina. I will not sink to the level of that barbarian and use his gross, disgusting terms. It’s bad enough I violated every decent standard of Earthly behavior last night, not to mention half a dozen laws of the Federation.

Much as she hated to admit it, Director Symon had been right. Proximity to these primitive beings corrupted civilized Earthers. The influence of their uncontrolled hormones was dangerous. Toxic. Even a person as rational and sensible as herself had fallen under their spell.

The Viking must be sent back to Gadolinium. As quickly as possible. She couldn’t be around him anymore. Couldn’t risk touching him. Could never again allow him to caress her naked body, run his tongue between her legs, suck the tiny bud there until she screamed in ecstasy…

Selena crumpled to the floor, sobbing.

She huddled in a fetal position, cried until her throat was raw and her head pounded. Cried until she had no tears left. Then she dragged herself to her feet.

She ran cold water in the sink and splashed it on her face, trying desperately to pull herself together. What was happening to her? She’d never cried like that, even when her parents died. Unrestrained displays of emotion were looked upon with great disfavor, especially for someone of her rank. She had a duty to present a good example to her subordinates.

There must be a rational, scientific explanation for her meltdown. Too much. That must be it. The encounter with the Viking had simply been too much, even for her. Her day-to-day life had been one of moderation in all things. After a lifetime without physical contact of any kind, she’d obviously suffered a severe case of sensory overload. Though she’d never seen it, she’d read of rare cases of it back in medical school.

No doubt hers had been magnified by a huge surge of estrogen. Her body must have produced it automatically, thrown back into its primitive state by proximity to all that potent testosterone. Perhaps he even exuded it through his skin. After all, she’d had a great deal of contact with his bare chest yesterday. His big hands. And his thick hard cock. And oh, yeah, that hot wet tongue running up between her legs…

Damn it! Every time she tried to rationally examine what had happened, her mind went straight to images of the wicked things they’d done. And then her treacherous body responded. Her nipples hardened. Her pussy flooded with the slick juices he said he loved to taste.

Yes, I’ll call it my pussy, she told herself angrily. It’s not the word that’s the problem. It’s what that word does to me when I hear him say it. It makes me melt inside.

Desperate for a diversion from her thoughts, Selena waved a hand. Mia, East Metropolis’s virtual newscaster, appeared in the room, impeccably dressed as always, and began filling her in on the events of the past twenty-four hours.

“Good morning, Selena. I hope this day finds you well. The flotilla to Celeron Six departed last night, packed with citizens eager to serve the Federation. Five thousand soldier-scientists volunteered to colonize this recently discovered planet, home to a dazzling array of never-before-seen plant and animal life. When they arrive, they’ll claim it and its incredible wealth of resources in the name of the Federation.”

Selena found herself wondering if some of those newly discovered forms of life might be sentient beings. Creatures going about their lives, never dreaming they were about to be invaded and stripped of their homeland. She waved a hand impatiently, and Mia vanished. The last thing she wanted to hear about right now was another alien planet.

She dressed quickly, knotted her hair into a tighter bun than usual. She considered wearing her blue uniform to remind herself of her responsibilities as a high-ranking official then remembered Haldor’s comment about how she’d look lovely in a blue gown that matched her eyes. She didn’t want to do anything he might see as a sign that she intended to continue behaving inappropriately with him. Pulling on another shapeless white one-piece garment, she hurried out the door.

She got to the lab early and caught Mindy as the young woman arrived.

“I have some news,” she said, trying to keep her tone calm and measured. “Our patient woke up last night. I gave him three portions of meal #5 and…”

“He’s awake? Oh my gosh, Doctor Reston! You were here all alone with him. He’s so big. Were you scared? Did the Tellex chip work? Were you able to communicate with him? What’s he like?”


Her assistant stopped abruptly. Selena tamped down a pang of guilt. She’d never raised her voice in the lab before. “There’s no need to get so excited,” she said more softly. “He may be from another planet, but he’s human, just as we are. Although a more primitive form. Until I have an opportunity to evaluate his mental state, I want you and James to stay away from him.”

“But Doctor Reston…”

“Mindy, that’s an order,” she snapped. The Viking’s behavior had been bizarre, to say the least. She couldn’t risk having Haldor grab her assistant and spank the girl. Or worse.

“I’ll be starting physical therapy with him this morning,” she said. “Please see that we are not disturbed for the next few hours. And call Minister Symon. Tell him the Viking is awake, and he can come by tomorrow to see him.”

“Yes, Doctor.” A subdued Mindy hurried away.

Selena pushed open the door to Haldor’s room, relieved that the heavy meal tray she carried masked her shaking hands. His bed was empty – and so was the room. Her eyes darted around frantically. She heaved a sigh of relief when she caught sight of him standing with his back to her in front of the mirrored wall in the adjoining bathroom.

He hadn’t seen her yet. He stared at his naked reflection, turning from side to side, examining his flawless skin. James had done an outstanding job. He’d made numerous injuries on Haldor’s torso, arms and thighs disappear, some of them inflicted in the battle that had nearly taken his life, others deep scars he bore from wounds that had healed years ago.

Her heart raced at the sight of him. Lord, he was magnificent. She’d never seen him from behind. He had the body of one of those ancient statues in a museum – broad shoulders, muscles rippling under the bronzed skin on his back, narrow waist and hips. And that…ass. There was no other word for it. He had a gorgeous ass. Tight rounded glutes she wanted to sink her nails into, the way she did to his back last night when he buried his face between her legs and brought her to gratification.

He turned as though he’d heard her thoughts. Ran his eyes up and down her body and smiled. A slow sexy smile that made her feel like he could see right through her clothes.