Page 9 of Seduction

He ignored her, pushing himself off the bed. Fear for the well-being of her patient made Selena forget her earlier panic attack. She rushed to his side and wrapped an arm around his waist to support him.

When he stood upright, Selena stifled a gasp. She hadn’t seen him on his feet before, and his sheer size was intimidating. She was only a little shorter than the average female Earther, five feet nine in her stocking feet, but he stood head and shoulders above her. And those bulging muscles made him look even bigger.

He glanced down at her body pressed against his, this time by her own choice, and gave her a mischievous grin. “You may be right. I do feel a little weak. Perhaps you’d better stay by my side and help me along.”

She’d never win this battle. He was determined to be up and moving. She tamped down the anxiety she felt at being so close to him while he was awake. At least in this position she didn’t feel suffocated, the way she had when he’d grabbed her earlier. She reminded herself she could step away whenever she wanted to, and tried to ignore the image that popped into her head of him crumpling to the floor if she did.

“All right. We’ll take a walk, but just around the room. First, let me get you a robe,” she offered, trying desperately to avert her eyes.

“I’m fine. Besides,” he added with a wicked glint in his eyes, “I have nothing you aren’t already well acquainted with.” He threw his shoulders back and spread his arms wide.

She couldn’t stop herself. Her eyes immediately went to his exposed penis. Embarrassed, she turned away. He laughed, a deep, low chuckle that sent a shocking shiver through her belly and on down between her thighs.

He took a few steps, heading for the window, with his arm draped around her shoulder. “You have the advantage of me. You know my name, but I don’t know yours.”

Had he suffered a head injury she’d missed? Were the circumstances in which he found himself so overwhelming that he didn’t remember she’d told him her name earlier? Or do men’s brains lose the ability to function when they’re sexually aroused?

She had no experience in that area, so she decided to start over with a formal introduction. After all, she’d been finding it difficult to concentrate herself, now that she was face to face with his very virile, very naked body. Maybe inattention to detail was another byproduct of intense sexual stimulation.

“I’m Selena. Selena Reston.” The heat from his bare skin radiated through her uniform, sending her mind into dangerous territory. “Doctor Selena Reston,” she added, to establish a professional boundary.

He turned toward her with a slight bow he managed to make dignified despite his lack of clothing. “I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Doctor Selena Reston. I am Haldor of Trondheim, chief counsel to King Sigrun of Gadolinium.”

They stopped at the window, and he surveyed the city below. His body tensed. “It’s so – hard everywhere. All metal and stone. And so white. White than Gadolinium after a winter storm. There we have deep green pines towering over the layers of soft snow. Red roof tiles peeking out from under the blanket of white and blue shutters decorating the windows of our homes. Children playing outdoors wear gaily colored sweaters and caps knitted by their nanas. Here, all I see are cold white buildings reaching to the heavens. People in the street dressed in dull gray or white garments.”

She looked down at East Metropolis spread out before them, seeing it through his eyes. “I guess it is rather colorless,” she admitted. “But, other than that, it’s perfect. We don’t have snowstorms or smoke from wood fires polluting the air or messy trees shedding leaves everywhere. Children here don’t need sweaters or caps. The temperature never varies more than ten degrees. The dome is programmed to provide optimum temperature variation – warmth during the daylight hours and cooler at night.”

“As for our clothing,” she went on, “only high-ranking officials are allowed to wear colorful garb. As a director, I’m entitled to a blue uniform, but I prefer to wear white when I’m working in the lab. It’s less intimidating to my staff. Makes them feel like we’re a team.”

He met her eyes. “You would look beautiful in a gown the color of the summer sky, setting off the golden highlights in your hair.”

Selena swallowed and automatically reached up to pat the tight bun at the back of her head, checking for stray wisps of hair. “I’ve never worn a…gown, as you call it, but I’ve seen pictures of them.” She gestured to her one-piece jumpsuit. “My formal attire is the same as this, only dark blue.”

He looked shocked. “Never worn a silken gown with a full skirt you could twirl around your ankles as you danced the night away after a feast?”

She shook her head. “No to all of that. No gown. No dancing. No feast.”

“I thank the gods my people left this place.” He swayed and shot out a hand against the glass then swore. “I’ve yanked an arrow out of my side and fought on for hours, but two moons of your deep sleep has left me weak as a babe in arms.”

She bit back an I told you so. “Come on. It’s time you were in bed. You need to rest – and I need to get home.”

They walked back across the room slowly.

“Don’t go. Stay here, Doctor Selena Reston, and tell me more about this world.” He dropped heavily onto the bed, and she immediately covered the lower half of his body with the sheet. He looked amused. “I imagine if sex is against the law, nakedness is frowned upon as well?”

“It’s considered extremely rude to uncover anything more than one’s hands and face in public.”

“Then I apologize for my rudeness. We’re not savages on Gadolinium. We don’t go about completely unclothed outside our homes, either,” he replied. “Except at the summer solstice. Then the younger ones among us often shed their gowns or trousers to dance naked around the bonfire. And many of the older ones, too – after they’ve had more than their fill of honey mead.” He looked wistful. “I do love the summer solstice.”

“I may be a bit unsteady on my feet, but I’m not sleepy,” he declared. “So if you’re ordering me to lie here, at least you can entertain me with a tale or two. Tell me more about this custom you have. ‘Virtual intercourse,’ you called it. With a probe shaped like a cock that provides complete fulfillment. Exactly how does this occur? Do you wave a hand, like you did with the lights, and it starts fucking you all on its own?”

Chapter Five

She glared at him. “This discussion is highly improper. I refuse to participate.”

“Do you? I didn’t refuse to participate when you ran your soft hand up and down my shaft and made it throb with need.” His voice took on a stern note. “But then, I couldn’t, could I? I was asleep. Helpless. Under your care. You’ve confessed that you broke an Earthly law, Doctor Reston. You invaded my private space. On my planet, when we commit a crime, we are punished. And then we must make amends to the person we wronged. Is Earth no less civilized?”

A wave of shame poured over her. She had no business taking the high ground. She’d been wrong to do what she did. Embarrassed, feeling guilty, ever since he woke up she’d been trying to pretend it never happened. This man night not be an Earther, but, while he was on the planet, the laws applied to him as much as they did to any other inhabitant of the dome. He had the right, the duty, to report her to the authorities.