Page 33 of Seduction

Balam swept aside the animal skin around his hips to reveal his penis. She gasped. He’d dyed it bright red. Whatever native plants he’d used made it swell even larger than it did when he’d stroked it in front of her earlier. A leather thong tied around the base ensured his erection wouldn’t fail him in front of his subjects.

One of his servants dragged a heavy wooden bench to the center of the platform. Two others grabbed her and bent her over it. They yanked her legs apart and tied her wrists and ankles to the legs of the bench with her naked bottom up in the air. If she turned her head to the side, she could see the crowd by the light of the bonfire– and they would all witness her shame if she screamed as he impaled her or gave way to the tears threatening to stream down her face.

Selena squeezed her eyes shut. But not seeing them didn’t change the fact that they could still see her bare breasts, the thatch of dark curls nestled between her legs, Balam’s massive erection. And it wouldn’t block out the sound when they cheered every stroke as he rammed it inside her.

She shuddered as Balam came closer, rubbed his engorged penis over her naked bottom. His rough fingers dug into her rear cheeks, spread them apart.

The drumbeats started up again. Slow and heavy.

Suddenly, chaos erupted. She couldn’t feel Balam’s presence near her anymore. Selena twisted her head and witnessed a scene of utter carnage. Somehow, the beasts had gotten loose. They charged through the crowd, tossed shrieking Tabun aside with their horns and goring others. People fled in all directions. Screaming, trampling each other, even swarming onto the platform to escape the maddened creatures.

Heedless of the rampage, two hooded, robed figures vaulted onto the platform. They moved swiftly, sliced the ropes that bound the slaves. A third knelt in front of her and freed her of her bonds. He helped her to her feet then pulled off his robe and wrapped it around her.

She stared into the unmistakable features of an Earther.

“I’m David Stevens, from the ministry. We’re here to rescue you.”

She heard harsh grunts behind her and whirled around. Haldor stood behind Lord Balam, dangling him a foot off the ground by the necklace twisted around his fist. Balam clawed at Haldor’s body as the links in his gold chain dug into his neck, strangling him.

The Tabun writhed and kicked, gasping for breath. Blood flowed from the wound in Haldor’s side, but his face remained impassive. Heedless of the havoc all around them, the two remained locked in a silent struggle. Balam started to weaken. His body grew limp.

Haldor let go of the necklace and set him on his feet so they were face to face. “I want you to look into the eyes of the warrior who sends you to the underworld.”

He yanked a fistful of Balam’s hair, tilted his head back. “I too have wrongs to avenge. You invaded my homeland, murdered my parents, attacked my king. And now you would take the life of the woman fate has decreed is mine?”

With his other hand, Haldor grabbed the elaborate hammered gold belt around Balam’s waist. He lifted the Tabun, one fist twisted in his hair, the other clutching the belt. The Tabun let out a shriek as the belt rode up his body, drew the leather thong attached to it tighter and tighter around the base of his cock.

Balam’s hand went to his gold necklace. He slid his fingers between the three lethal trophies hung there, curled them into a fist and gripped them as though he himself had grown claws. He slashed out, aimed for Haldor’s neck.

The Viking twisted, flinging Balam away. He sailed through the air and landed on the multipronged rack of a great naurok, one of the creatures destined for sacrifice. The enraged beast roared and bucked. Sent Balam’s body flying off its horns into the bonfire.

The Tabun leader’s scream drowned out all the others. Selena turned away and clapped her hands over her ears. But it was no use. The sound would echo in her head forever.

* * *

Haldor swept Selena into his arms. He shoved his way to the edge of the platform, leaped to the ground, and took off at a dead run, with David, Will, and Rob at his heels. The Tabun ignored them. Fearful of being trampled to death by the charging beasts or their drunken fellow citizens, they fled in all directions.

Haldor didn’t put her down until he reached the entrance to the portal. Only then did he crush her lips in a kiss as fierce as it was fiery.

He drew back and stroked her cheek. “Are you hurt?”

She shook her head. “No, I’m all right. But you – you’re bleeding.” She leaned down to examine the wound on his side.

“A scratch. You’ll mend it when I get you home.”

Selena clung to him. “I can’t believe you’re here. I never thought I’d see you again. It was a miracle you arrived when you did.” Comprehension dawned in her eyes. “You did that, didn’t you? Let the beasts loose.”

Haldor grinned. “That was Will’s doing. It seems Earth has warriors after all.”

David stood by at the entrance to the portal. “You two can cuddle all you want later. Right now, we need to get going. I’m sending Will through first, so he can take are of any potential problems on the other side. The doctor is next, then Rob. You’ll go after him, Haldor. I’ll bring up the rear so I can keep watch in case any Tabun guards come this way.”

Will stepped through and disappeared in a blinding flash of light.

David took Selena’s arm, ushered her to the portal. “Doctor Reston, it’s your turn. It will be over in no time.”


She ran back to Haldor. “I won’t waste another moment on regrets. I love you, Haldor.” She got up on tiptoe, whispered in his ear. “And when we get back to Earth, I’m going to show you just how much, my lord.”