She gave him a puzzled look.
“My scars. I blamed you for doing me harm by removing them when you’d only tried to help again. You could not have known that on my world, those scars I bore are looked upon as a source of great pride. Proof of my courage in battle. My drengr. Kylar always says the only thing quicker than my sword is my temper. I’m sorry, Selena. Will you forgive me?”
“I accept your apology, Haldor, if you’ll accept mine for altering your appearance without your permission. I’m afraid we Earthers are an arrogant lot. We think our ways, our ideas, are better than those of other worlds.”
He smiled. “It seems our people are more alike than I thought.”
Selena smiled back.
Haldor got to his feet and took stock of his situation. Loneliness eased by their conversation. Belly full. Headache gone. He saw Selena glance down then hastily avert her eyes from his cock when he caught her. Still horny, but the future looked much less bleak in that area. Spending two moons on Earth didn’t sound quite so horrible any more. It would give him plenty of time to recover his strength in every area.
“So – tell me more about this physical therapy you have in mind. You will bring in other warriors to train with me?”
“We…uh…we don’t have any other warriors on Earth.”
He could see the wheels turning in her head. She’d no doubt learned enough about his culture to know that Vikings thrived on competition, on pitting themselves against other males in tests of strength and skill and endurance. But she hadn’t taken into account how large a part that competitive spirit played in keeping a man motivated through the grueling days and weeks of pain and exhaustion it took to rebuild a broken body.
“Maybe we can set goals to strive for instead,” she offered. “Come up with rewards worth winning when you achieve them.”
Goals. And rewards. Haldor grinned at his beautiful doctor, trying so hard to remain professional this morning. As though his head hadn’t been planted squarely between her legs last night. His tongue lapping at her pussy, sucking her little jewel until she screamed.
He already had his first goal in mind. His goal – and a reward for them both. He’d have her get on her knees. Take his cock in her mouth while he pulled the pins from that tight little knot at the back of her head and then buried his fists in her hair. He’d hold her head in both hands while he pumped his hips, sliding deeper down her throat with each stroke.
Then, just before he shot his seed, he’d stop. Make her lie back and spread her legs so he could taste her sweet pussy again. Run his tongue inside her until she…
“So we’ll begin with that if it’s all right with you, Haldor.”
Reluctantly, he let go of the delightful image in his mind and brought his attention back to the present. She’d been going on all the while. By Odin’s beard, the woman can talk! It would be reward enough just to earn the right to put her over my lap again and still that voice for a little while with a volley of firm whacks to her backside.
The thought cheered him, marooned though he might be on this dismal planet for two moons. With no decent food. No ale.
Selena Reston could set her goals. Her rewards. But he’d create his own contests between them. And winning the right to have his prim doctor submit to him willingly no matter what he required of her – whether it be kneeling before him, spreading her legs, or bending over his lap and presenting her luscious ass – was a reward worth seeking.
Chapter Nine
“Who is he again?”
“This is Minister Symon,” she said in Gadolinian. “He’s a high-ranking representative from the Federation. He’s been coming by weekly while you were in slumber mode to check on your condition and report to the council.”
“I don’t like the look of him. His eyes are squinty, and he smells like he just farted a fistful of lilies.”
Selena choked back a laugh, turned it into a cough. “Minister Symon,” she said in English, “allow me to present Haldor, chief counsel to King Sigrun of Gadolinium. He asks me to thank you and the entire Federation for your excellent care and gracious hospitality.”
Symon gave her a suspicious glance then inclined his head a fraction of an inch. “Please tell – Haldor, is it? These barbarians have such…unusual names. Tell him he is most welcome. It is our pleasure to host a distinguished emissary, a national hero, from the great planet of Gadolinium. The Federation wishes him a speedy recovery, and we look forward to sending him back to his world with our best wishes of peace and prosperity for his people in the future.”
Selena translated, barely able to keep her mind on Symon’s politically correct speech. She was too nervous about what Haldor might do or say next. She’d ordered several basic white uniforms for him yesterday, in preparation for this meeting. But when she arrived this morning, she was shocked to see that he’d hacked off the sleeves of every one of them all the way to the shoulder, claiming they were too tight and he could barely move. He said if she wanted him to get better, he had to train. And he couldn’t train properly if he couldn’t swing a broadsword.
It had been too late to have another uniform made, and the display of his bulging biceps and triceps came across as rude and vulgar. The minister barely managed to hide his disgust.
As if that hadn’t been bad enough, even the shapeless garment Haldor wore couldn’t conceal his impressive size. Or his Viking heritage. He’d found the leather thong he’d been wearing around his forehead when they brought him in and tied it back on. With his flowing dark hair held back by the band, he looked like one of those primitive tribesmen she’d seen depicted in holographic museum displays. Head high, that massive chest straining the seams of the thin white uniform. His bearing that of a mighty warrior. Lacking only the sword and shield, he stood as she imagined he did when leading Sigrun’s forces into battle.
Though Symon tried to hide his reaction to seeing Haldor awake and on his feet, it was clear to Selena that the Viking intimidated him. He carried on a bit but cut it short much sooner than she’d expected. Selena translated. She managed to improvise a response more acceptable than Haldor’s witty but completely unacceptable reply, barely hid her sigh of relief when the minister said his goodbyes and asked her to step outside Haldor’s room for a moment.
“You poor thing. What you’ve had to endure… Awake, the creature is worse than I could have imagined. And that smell.” He wrinkled his nose. “It’s so – intense. It reminds me of something. I can’t quite place it.”
Selena hoped he didn’t see her surprise. She’d been aware of Haldor’s distinctive scent for weeks. The subtle essence of male pheromones he gave off. Men on Earth no longer produced them, now that their testosterone levels had been artificially altered. She loved being close to him, breathing in his virile aura. It was one of the primitive biological processes that her scientific training told her had led to her body’s powerful attraction to him. She hadn’t realized another male would be affected by the pheromones.
“I know,” Symon suddenly blurted out. “He smells like the Neodymian I sat near at a Federation meeting. I think the man had sweaty armpits.”