Page 72 of Blue Blood

Clicking his pen shut, Luke turned to give her a flat look. “We’ll look into it.”

“An IT professional, preferably a cybersecurity specialist, should look into it. Just for some subject matter expertise.”

Ana winced. It was a simple, matter-of-fact recommendation. But not one that many Family men would take well.

A vein throbbed between Luke’s brows. His black eyes narrowed on the blonde with obvious annoyance. “You are Ms. Ana’s aide?”

“Soon to be Assistant Director.” She preened.

“How soon?”

Emma blinked, not expecting the question.

“By year-end, if we can fill all our vacancies and set up our full team,” Ana jumped in to explain. He did not appear to hear her, too busy scowling at the other woman.

Surveying Emma like a bug he was tempted to swat, he said, “This meeting was supposed to be for senior execs.” His displeasure was evident.

“Well, I thought this meeting was with a businessman. Not a grunti–”

“Alright!” Ana stood up, squeezing the woman’s shoulder tightly as it heaved up and down, shaking with affront. Across from them, Tony looked highly amused as he leaned back in his chair and watched the ping pong match.

“I think you have all you need from us, Luke?” Ana asked.

He agreed, dragging his gaze back to Ana. “I’ll reach out to you or Antonio if I need anything,” he muttered.

The omission was pointed.

Snapping her laptop shut with a sharp smack, Emma huffed before standing up and marching out the door. Tony gleefully followed suit, waving the other man goodbye. Ana awkwardly remained behind, discomfited. She’d never seen Emma or Luke get so heated in any meeting before. They were usually so professional.

“I’d like to quickly get your thoughts on two things…if you have a moment?” Ana ventured, worried that his mood had soured.

Luke agreed readily, looking far more composed than he’d been a few minutes ago.

“We’re looking to hire someone to set up our website,” she explained. “We tried looking at Vitello’s list, but it didn’t take us far. Do you know if all his old staff got placed?”

Scratching his chin, Luke said, “Dunno if you should waste your time there. The man’s angry with Don for shutting down his wineries. He won’t help.” Luke grimaced in regret.

“I get it.” Ana let out a breath. “Have you heard of anyone else who has any web staff?”

“Not sure.” He thought it over. “But I can put some feelers out.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.”

“’Course. What’s the second thing?”

Ana paused, fidgeting with her long silky braid before releasing it. She badly wanted to know how Gio was faring. If the Capos were respecting his authority or trying to supplant him. More importantly, was he tired and worn out after the rigorous schedule? In good health?

All of them remained lodged in her throat.

They would be perceived as a lack of confidence in her husband, though that was the furthest thing from the truth. She had the utmost confidence in Gio. It was all the treacherous dissidents out there–bloodthirsty for his throne–who scared her. They had killed one Don before, in the most explosive way. What would stop them from trying again?

Hiding her disquiet, she cast her thoughts away and moved on to her second question. “Last year…” she began, dark memories choking her. “With the guard at this house.”

Luke turned to her, alert. “The one who got caught stealing?”

Ana nodded carefully. “Who else knew what happened to him?”

He stared intently, unknown thoughts churning behind his dark eyes. “I assume your house staff knew and your family, ‘course. But no one else ever brought it up to me directly, except for Ms. Marta…and Boss.”