Page 54 of Blue Blood

Watching the last of the bubbles disappear from her glass, Ana sighed grimly.

She would never know.

There was no changing fate. An arranged marriage was what it was, and she was happy to have gotten a better deal than most other women. Once the memory of Celia’s encounter faded, so would these odd emotions.

They had to.

“What a wonderful event.”

“Thank you.”

“So magnificent, truly.”

Ana hugged each of the wives at their table as the crowds began to disperse. It was past midnight, and many of them would be driving out either the same night or early the next morning. Every performance and speech had been met with thunderous applause, lifting her spirits.

All the planning had paid off.

Even Gio looked much more relaxed as he shook hands with the families before they left.

“So nice to have all the factions together, Ana. Please tell Don Giovanni.”

“Thank you; I definitely will. It’s important to both of us that everyone feels united.”

“A credit to you both.”

She smiled at their praises, chatting amiably with the remaining guests before they exited the hall. She stood there on the steps, waving as they all safely entered their cars. Gio and the Capos would begin their meetings shortly. It was rare for them all to be in one location, so they would be tackling some pending business. But her work was done.

Hers and her aunt’s.

Where was she?

Ana scanned the driveway and the side ramps but did not spot Auntie among the families loitering there. She certainly wasn’t back in the hall. But she must be nearby. She had promised to wish Ana goodbye before heading back to Pittsburgh.

Tony had already said his goodbyes an hour ago. Gabriella had gotten tired and hadn’t wanted to wait for Gio to escort her home. So her cousin had driven her back.

Ana searched the grounds.

Noticing the bodyguard standing a few steps behind her, she stiffened, wrapping her arms around herself. His eyes were kind, a sharp contrast to his. But it could not assuage her fears. The feeling of a guard watching her every move, however professional, made her so nauseous, she feared she would throw up the entire sumptuous dinner.

“Do you need anything, Ms. Ana?”

Her breaths came faster.

As suspicion rose…

Why did he want to know?

“If you need something, I can fetch it for you.” Reggie’s expression was open and supportive. It tamped down some of the panic lodged in her throat.

“I just–have you seen my aunt, by any chance?”

“Ms. Marta?”

She nodded.

“I think she and Mr. Mancini were out by the gardens. But that was over twenty minutes ago.”

“Thank you, Reggie.” A smile, or rather a half-grimace, crossed her lips. “I’ll find them. No need to accompany me.”