Page 42 of Blue Blood

Her whole body was encased in ice, teeth chattering quietly.

Hearing it, Gio strode over to the windows and briskly latched them shut. But he didn’t turn around immediately. The muscles in his back tensed as he gripped the frame white-knuckled.

“That shouldn’t have happened,” he bit out tersely.

Her mind jumped to the vase she had broken, and she wanted to curl in on herself.

“Where was Sarah?” he asked.

The housekeeper?

“I…uh…” The piercing tension in the room and the haze all around her made it hard to think back and retrace her steps. Ana shifted on her feet, racking her mind. “I think she was in the bathroom when I came up. Or, m-maybe she retired to bed.”

“Well, she wasn’t supposed to.” Gio’s jaw was tight as he turned around. He attempted to don a thin smile at the sight of her fright, in an effort to appear calm and unthreatening.

It was unsuccessful.

He was like a caged animal, his clenched fists noticeable even through his pant pockets.

“I told Sarah to alert me when you wrapped work, so I could dismiss the guard first. I didn’t want you to meet him until morning. But of course, I miscalculated,” he cursed to himself. "I always miscalculate when it comes to you."

Ana’s pale eyes blinked up at him. Gio never admitted a fault. The only time he had was after she’d fled to Pittsburgh last month. She couldn’t let him shoulder the blame for tonight, though.

“There’s no way Sarah can watch me 24/7,” she murmured shakily. “And I–well, I decided to wrap a little early today. The gala planning was getting a bit much, so I thought I’d–” She shrugged jerkily. “Regardless, I’m fine. I was just a little startled.”

He regarded her for a long time, holding her gaze until she was forced to drop hers, afraid of what she would reveal.

“It won’t happen again,” Gio said decisively, ignoring her assurances. “I’ll introduce the guard in the morning. Properly. Reggie was thoroughly vetted and passed three background checks.”

“Is he…joining the grounds staff?” The tentative hope in her voice must have been obvious because he grimaced and ran a hand through his hair.

“Reggie…is our new personal bodyguard,” Gio corrected quietly.

The low hum of the room heater was the only sound as she stared in denial.

“I know.” Gio’s mouth twisted disdainfully. “It’s the last thing I wanted again, to hire a bodyguard after what the last one did to my parents. You must also be anxious after what happened with the guard in your aunt’s home–the thief.”


She wanted to laugh hysterically. That man had stolen far too much from her.

“The situation is beyond my control, though,” Gio admitted with difficulty. “There are credible sources of threats that pop up every few weeks. Most get resolved by the larger security team. But that team is stationed here in New York. We need someone reliable to accompany us when we travel to other regions.”

He eyed her, imploring, “I can’t leave us unprotected, Ana. There are too many eyes on us.”

She sank onto the bed, averting her gaze. Frustration and fear paralyzed her. She’d never wanted this position, this pressure. At their betrothal, she had told him as such…I’m not suited to be a high-ranking wife.

Gio was the one groomed for leadership. For danger. Not her.

Even after the lethal betrayal by his parents’ bodyguard, a trauma so deep she could not fathom it, Gio had emerged stronger than ever. Strong enough to move past it and embrace a new bodyguard for the sake of their safety.

While she was a mess.

Anchored down by the past, while he rose unfettered.

Ana had foolishly thought that she was growing free of the past and the memories. Apart from the occasional nightmare, she was able to live a normal life. She had opened up to her husband in ways she never thought she could. But all her bravado had come crashing down with just one glimpse of the new bodyguard.

What must Gio be thinking? How could she even explain her reaction?