Page 38 of Blue Blood

Gio met her happy gaze with satisfaction. “I can’t believe you left early,” he countered in a low murmur, amusement and something darker in his tone. “Just because we argued doesn’t mean you have to run off.”

Ana blinked, befuddled. Had she run?

Maybe. But it had seemed like the best course of action at the time, given his cold treatment.

Then again, it was all she had ever known: to be perfect and obedient and to stay out of the way when things got heated. That had made it difficult for Grandfather to find faults in her–though he somehow found a way–and it had made Auntie proud, extending the life she had leased with them.

She had assumed that's what Gio wanted too: perfect obedience. But she wasn't sure anymore…not after his arrival here.

“Besides,” Gio murmured, caressing her cheek, “did you forget what I said about you running away?”

A vague memory came to her from their wedding day, when she’d been terrified, anxious, and enthralled by the reality of being married to this man. A day that felt like it had occurred both decades ago and just yesterday. As his past words trickled back in, her heart skipped a beat.

“That I would never let you.”

Chapter 9

“You look like you’ve been up all night bangin’.”


Ana choked on her drink as Auntie whipped around to reprimand her son, who sat wholly unrepentant. He smirked at Ana’s flaming red face across the dining table. Gio, on the other hand, merely raised a brow.

“Please forgive him,” Auntie said nervously.

Gio brushed it off. “It’s fine. I just look tired from my travels.”

Antonio snorted under his breath. His mother glared at him before glancing sideways again at Gio apologetically.

It was rare to see her aunt so docile. She had always been so fearsome and proud. But with Gio as Don, she was overly deferential and careful not to lose his favor. Not that Tony cared. He popped a grape into his mouth, enjoying the drama he’d stirred up.

“A lovely breakfast. Thank you, Marta,” Gio said cordially, folding up his napkin. “Unfortunately, we have another long journey back today.”

“Oh. Our driver is ready.”

“No need. Ours came with me.”

Ana smiled reassuringly at her aunt, who looked disappointed. Maybe Auntie had expected to be included in Gio’s inner circle by now. But Ana wasn’t sure if she had entered it herself. He’d certainly grown closer to her and had come all the way here for her. But trusting someone with your life was another ballgame.

Before the awkwardness could linger for long, Gio leaned forward in his seat solicitously. “I would like your help on another matter.”

Her aunt perked up.

“We have our annual New York gala coming up in June. I was thinking of opening it up to all regions this year, including Pittsburgh.”

“That sounds wonderful!"

“Good. It was Ana’s idea.”

It was? The older woman regarded her questioningly. Ana stared back, equally surprised.

Gio nodded at them. “I’ve been so focused on old business. Ana reminded me that I should think of the future and give a proper welcome to our factions.”

Understanding suddenly dawned on her. It was what she’d argued in their fight, urging Gio to leave the past behind and focus on a message of unity. He had actually listened. Pleasure filled her chest, and she reached for his hand, squeezing it gratefully. Gio held her gaze fiercely.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Tony mock-gagging at their mutual adoration. She rolled her eyes at him, gesturing for him to behave before his mother noticed.

But Auntie was oblivious to his antics. “I will definitely pass on the invite and encourage the families here to attend,” she confidently assured Gio.