Page 128 of Blue Blood



Her chest caved.

“What did you do?” Ana cried. “What did you do!” She didn’t realize that she’d grabbed her aunt’s crisp linen dress until it twisted in her hold.

With infuriating calm, the older woman merely patted her hand, ignoring Ana’s question yet again until it felt like she would lose her mind.

“It’s for the best, you’ll see. I had hoped Tony would be Underboss, but now–”


“–he has a shot at becoming Boss.”

“No!” She pulled at her aunt’s sleeve, frantic.

“It’s for the best,” Auntie repeated robotically.

“And me? Don’t you care what’s best for me?” It was always Grandfather, Tony, or the family name that mattered, while Ana was just the orphan who had to be grateful for receiving scraps–for being elevated into luxury.

“You’ll be fine,” Auntie assured sternly. “You have your dress business…and it won’t be hard to find someone new. Being a Don’s widow will guarantee you get the best proposals.”

Don’s widow…




Chapter 28

Ana had felt this out-of-body experience once before, in the days after the attack. As though it were happening to someone else. She had dissociated entirely and rejected reality.

That same sensation swamped her now, muting all sights and sounds until she felt like she was floating. Free and untethered.

But she wasn’t. She was drowning in a nightmare from which she could not awaken.

“Come now.”

Ana felt herself being moved.

Nudged along through the tide.

The doors opened as they exited the room and walked down the hall, further and further into the recesses, until she noticed, with a slow blink, where they were headed.

To the one room Ana had avoided for over a year.

“Don’t you want to say goodbye?” Auntie’s voice was coaxing and firm when Ana came to a halt. Her aunt’s face was stoic, belying her disturbing intent.


Nothing made sense anymore.

All she could feel was utter numbness as they approached the room. The memory of the guard lying in wait for her…the carpet stained with his blood…all of it assaulted her senses. But her mind was dulled by shock.

It was happening all over again…but this time it was worse. Far worse. There was not just one guard, but three waiting for her.