Page 123 of Blue Blood

Not even the tree leaves moved in the hot summer afternoon.

There was nothing else wrong, at least outwardly, just by surveilling the mansion. Everything seemed bright and cheerful, with sunlight pouring in and fresh flowers blooming in the garden. It looked idyllic. But the Mancini home was nothing but idyllic. At any hour, it was teeming with staff: yard workers, guards, and maids.

Now, there was no one.

And the unnerving part was that all the curtains were closed.

Reggie parked the car around the corner at a spot where the hedges were taller. “I think we should be out of sight of the cameras,” he murmured, peering out her passenger-side window.

Ana shakily reached for the door handle. But he stopped her.

Startled, she watched as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a small gun. He gently offered it to her before taking out a second gun for himself. She gripped the weapon with nimble hands, unsure of what to do. She’d never handled a gun before.

After giving her a quick rundown of the instructions, Reggie surveyed their surroundings again. “I’ll go check it out.”


“If you stay inside, I’ll give you the all-clear once it’s safe.”

Ana stared at him fearfully.

“Trust me, ma’am. I’ll be back in five minutes.” Reggie smiled reassuringly, but the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were pulled taut. Stress lined his features.

Realizing he wouldn’t budge, Ana sat helplessly as he prepared himself. His fingers clenched around his gun as he unlocked the door.

“Please stay inside,” he repeated gravely. “Whatever you do, don’t open the door.”

She swallowed but did not object. The moment he stepped out of the car, he quickly locked the doors again to protect her and swept his gaze around the street, checking for any lurkers. With a final glance at her, Reggie crept cautiously around the corner toward the back of the house, until he was eventually out of sight.

Panic filled her.

She was alone.

Fitfully rubbing her hand on her dress, she held the gun tightly in the other. It shook violently in her grip, tremors seizing her.

She felt like a sitting duck.

Was she truly safe here? Or should she have insisted on going with Reggie? She had no idea what the guard was walking into, and Gio was still non-responsive.

Please, be okay.

Ana desperately wanted to call him again, but she was afraid to even move or make a sound in the pin-drop silence. Even the short breaths she took felt like they were deafening her ears. Her eyes darted all around, watching and waiting for the guard to reappear.

One minute.


And then five.

But no sign of Reggie.

What the hell was happening?

The property was massive. Of course, he would need some time to enter it stealthily and get a good lay of the land. But the wait felt interminable.

She curled forward slightly as her stomach roiled, never letting her gaze waver.

Ten minutes.