Page 122 of Blue Blood

Ignoring his question, she pressed, “Where are you?”

“Ugh, don’t get me started. Mom sent me out on some errands to freakin’ Morgantown. She said she’s short-staffed today, so she wanted me to drop off some cash with one of her friends after my supplier meeting.”

“When did she ask you to go?”

“Oh, hm…three days ago? I was supposed to meet my supplier on Tuesday, but she asked if I could do it today.”

Just like she’d asked Ana to shift her client meeting.

It didn’t make sense. Neither task, Grandfather’s medical appointment or Tony’s cash drop, seemed urgent. Then, why did her aunt make them reschedule their business meetings around these errands?

“Do you know why there’s a staff shortage today?”

“No idea. Mom takes care of all that.” His voice grew distant as he talked to someone else on the other side. “Sorry, they’re waiting on me. Did you need anything, Ana?”

She hesitated, watching the clock. It was just past one. They had half an hour more to go until they reached home. Even though Tony was slightly further away, he was the next closest person who could help.

Reggie was eyeing her warily, seemingly warning her against involving her cousin.

And it made sense. If Auntie was up to anything, Antonio would logically support her.

But something in her gut disagreed.

Grandfather and Auntie were usually reserved with her. But Tony had been different from the very beginning. He goofed off and often acted carelessly, but he always protected her when she needed him. She thought back to him sitting in her bedroom after her attack, giving her company so she could fall asleep.

He’d pretended he was there out of boredom. But she knew better. He did it out of love.

Ana took a deep breath and asked lowly, “Is there any way you can head home now?”

A long pause stretched out.

“What’s going on?” Tension crept into his voice.

“I…don’t know. Gio hasn’t picked up any of my calls, and I’ve called him fifteen times. He might be busy–”

“No way. Not with you,” he said firmly. “Even if the roof was falling, he’d never ignore you, Ana.”

Her throat closed. The validation comforted her and scared her all at once. “That’s what I thought, but I don’t know what to do. I just need someone to check up on him.”

“Did you try calling Mom?”

Her silence was pronounced.

“No Mom, then,” he mumbled.

Ana didn’t deny it, unsure of what to even offer as an explanation. She had no answers herself.

To her relief, Tony did not pry any further. After chatting again with the person to the side, he turned back to the call. “I’ll start now. Might take me an hour.”

“Thank you, Tony,” she choked out.

“Don’t worry, okay? I’ll be there.”

Tears dotted the corners of her eyes as he hung up.

Please be okay, Gio. Please.

The house was deathly quiet.