Page 67 of Blue Blood

Ana stood blankly as the words slowly registered. Celia’s apology–this phone call–all this was due to…Gio? Her pulse picked up, thundering over her ears.

She struggled to think back to any conversation she’d had with Gio on this. Apart from his vague statement at the gala about not inviting Celia, Ana had never raised the topic of the other woman with him. Her insecurities had largely been laid to rest after that night. It no longer mattered what women he’d dated in the past; she knew he was loyal to her.

But how did he know that Celia had offended her?

She hadn’t even said–

Of course.

Reggie. He’d been on the stairs near her when she and Celia had been chatting outside the gala. Ana had been visibly upset by the conversation, so Reggie must have noticed and conveyed it to Gio in his report. And that’s why Gio had assured her that he hadn’t invited Celia.

She wanted to laugh.

Or cry.

At the thought of Gio caring enough to watch out for her.

Knowing that it was her husband who had prompted this call, Ana savored every word of Celia’s apology.

But there was something about the way Celia had phrased her apology that niggled her. Ana couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

Lowering her phone, she quickly flipped over to her messages and scrolled through them until she found one from a few weeks ago, from the day after the gala.

Auntie: After all that time preparing for this event, it was a total waste. Father is so upset. I can only imagine the embarrassment Gio feels. You couldn’t have just made nice with Vitello?? People will think I haven’t taught you anything with that type of vulgar backtalk.

Three Days Later:

Auntie: I apologize for that last text, Ana. If my tone was off and I offended you, I’m sorry.

Oh my God.

The apology, the verbiage–it was exactly the same as Celia’s.

At the time, it had seemed so uncharacteristic of Auntie to send the text. The older woman hardly ever apologized for anything she did and was stubborn in her convictions. But Ana had simply accepted it and moved on, relieved to be on the woman’s good side again.

It all made so much more sense now.

There was only one person who could make both these headstrong women yield.


A small grin curled in at the corners of her lips before it exploded into a wide smile that spanned from ear to ear. Her cheeks ached from the delicious burst of happiness bubbling through her. Gio must have fiercely threatened both women for them to apologize so meekly.

She really shouldn’t condone such an aggressive move. But she couldn’t help it. She was thrilled.

At Ana’s prolonged silence, Celia sighed in annoyance. “Can you please tell G I called? And please, for God’s sake, don’t tattle on me anymore.”

“I didn’t–”

“Yes, yes, I know. Don’t get me in trouble for saying that either. We all can’t be Miss Perfect here, okay?” Before she could assure her, Celia continued ranting, her earlier apology already forgotten. “We’ve all heard what happened to that guard who stole from your aunt. And I want no part in that type of punishment.”

The words were flippant, but, in an instant, they sucked up all the joy filling her.

“What are you talking about?” Ana’s voice was hoarse as her fingers curled tightly around the phone.

“Come on.” Celia huffed incredulously. “Don’t tell me you don’t know. It was your family guard. I’m sure you must’ve at least guessed or wondered what happened to him.” Silence rang chillingly as Ana stopped breathing. “You didn’t know him well?”

Too well.