Ana frowned. “Why wouldn’t he?”
But her words were more confident than she actually felt. Near the entrance, she saw Gio deftly manage a growing group of guests, who were all flocking around him. His pose was confident but shrewd, never missing a thing as everyone else chatted unrestrained.
He was always alert, always suspicious.
With a knowing look, her aunt turned to observe him as well. “Gio doesn’t trust anyone. But you can help him trust you…if you put your mind to it.”
How the hell was she supposed to make a grown man, the Boss, do anything he didn't want to do? She could barely trust herself at times. Ana remained silent, remembering how out of control she'd felt after the nightmare.
More guests were filtering in now, and she grew alert. It was almost showtime. She watched with nervous anticipation as the ushers at the door escorted them to coat check and to the open bar. Everyone was dressed to the nines. Ana smoothed the silk fabric of her gown self-consciously.
She wanted to be at home, in quiet peace. But this was her duty.
Gathering her courage, she quietly greeted a few guests and politely offered her hand to them, somehow recalling each of their names without error. Several of them had attended her wedding, but there were many others whom she could not recognize. The reach of the Family spanned across the eastern corridor, including Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and parts of a few other bordering states.
It was overwhelming to know how far Gio’s reign extended. Any wrong move tonight could jeopardize his authority.
Swallowing heavily, Ana searched for him again. Seeking out his presence like an anchor.
The crowd around him had ballooned even further, with several people lining up for a chance to speak with him. But, as if heeding her call, Gio glanced over at her.
A calm wave swept over her as he nodded encouragingly at her before prompting the men around him to greet her from across the room. She waved gracefully back at them.
“Hmm.” Her aunt pursed her lips pensively, observing the exchange. “He does seem to be taken with you.”
Ana frowned and grabbed a glass of champagne from a server. She took a heavy sip, suppressing the pop of pleasure from her aunt's comment. What was she supposed to say to that? Agree? Disagree? She didn’t want to encourage any romantic fantasies, nor did she want Auntie to worry that something was wrong.
When her aunt thankfully became distracted with other guests, Ana slipped her phone from her purse.
There were no messages.
Ana: Is Tony here?
Emma: Nope. Been waiting by the entrance for 30 mins. He’s not inside, is he?
Ana: No, and no reply to my texts either.
Emma: Ok. I’ll keep checking.
Ana: Just forget it & come in. There are too many people now.
“…my niece, Ana.”
Hastily pocketing her phone, she turned with a ready smile as her aunt introduced a man. He looked vaguely familiar, bald, with a spectacularly dramatic mustache that curled halfway across his cheeks. Next to him, Grandfather stood scowling at the room. “Is every chandelier in New York stuck up there?” he grumbled.
The funny-looking man laughed as if it was a joke and said, “It looks marvelous, Marta.” He kissed his fingers approvingly.
Grandfather grunted loudly.
Before he could complain any further, Ana softly cut in and talked about the events lined up for the evening, not wanting Grandfather to blow up the gala already, with his temper. Thankfully, everyone, including Auntie, seemed to calm down as Ana described the musical performances and catering, all sourced from Family businesses. Another couple soon joined their circle, complimenting the hors d’oeuvres and drinks.
“It’s a pity my wine wasn’t included in the selection,” the mustached man said sullenly, slanting a look at her aunt.
Glancing at her as well, Ana waited for Auntie to explain. But she was mutinously silent.
With no explanation forthcoming, Ana politely told him they had to select wines from New York businesses to reduce transportation costs to the venue. The others nodded in understanding.