Page 26 of Blue Blood

But how could she explain why she had agreed?

“I don’t know why I accepted, actually,” Ana said honestly. “It all happened so fast. I’m not sure I ever processed the betrothal, the wedding, or even this–” Her hands waved at the large estate that was her new home. “But I agreed…because I wanted to.”

A boyish image of Gio flashed before her. So determined, but respectful. Saying no to a man like him wasn’t even an option, regardless of the pressures of the Family and his rank. She just could not resist his pull. Even after everything that happened last year, something in her still yearned for him.

This morning had proved why. Even though she’d fully expected Gio to resist and assert his dominance, he hadn’t. He had let her take control, submitting his body to her. The thrill from it still innervated her now, hours later. It gave her hope that he wanted a true partnership with her, as equals.

Ana glanced at Gabriella, who was beaming in satisfaction, making her blush harder at what her expression had revealed. The last thing she needed was for Gio to hear his sister spouting off romantic nonsense after this visit. Neither she nor Gio were in love. They were just getting along well so far, and that’s all she could hope for.

“And how’s Tony?” Gabi asked.

Grateful for the change in topic, Ana filled her in on Antonio, detailing his latest squabbles with his mother and the latest adventures with his friends. Gabriella ate up every story, her one good foot tapping happily on the floor while the other lay motionless in her wheelchair. The sight of it made Ana’s heart wrench.

She didn’t want to ogle it like most others did. So Ana pointedly ignored it, hoping to give the girl a semblance of normalcy. But the sadness and anger at such a fate befalling the happy young woman choked her.

Growing up, she recalled Gabriella always being on the go, running and tearing through the gardens with Antonio and his other friends whenever she was in Pittsburgh. And when she wasn’t, Gabi was always on stage. Dance recitals, theater, and plays…so full of energy.

The first time Ana had seen her live, Gabi had been dancing a ballet rendition of Romeo and Juliet, and it had simply taken her breath away. Gio had invited Ana to attend it just after their betrothal, and she had promised the girl that she would come watch all her future shows too.

But that first show would soon become Gabi’s last.

The girl shifted in her wheelchair, grimacing as pain shot through her leg.

“Are you okay?” Ana set aside her teacup and got up.

“I’m fine.” Gabi waved her back, clearly not fine in the least. Ana hovered hesitantly before deciding to approach her, sinking to a crouch by her side.

Offering a hand, she hid her grimace as the girl squeezed hard, her nails digging in as another wave of pain rolled through her. “I’m calling Gio,” Ana insisted urgently.

“No! Please. I’ll be bedridden for the next week then,” Gabi joked weakly.

Ana gazed helplessly at her, continuing to hold her hand. She waited patiently until the phantom pains seemed to pass and a calmer look washed over the girl, along with deep exhaustion.

“It was all my fault."

The whisper was so quiet that she almost missed it. Ana tensed, waiting for her to continue.

But Gabi seemed lost in thought, silent for several seconds. “I asked my parents if I could stay behind a little bit longer in Pittsburgh. The whole week my parents were there, I was forced to attend all these parties and boring introductions. I was so frustrated. I snapped at them and told them to head back to New York without me.”

She shook her head bitterly.

Ana barely breathed for fear of spooking her. The only other sound was the ticking clock.

“I felt bad and had this burning urge to go say goodbye.” Gabi’s voice choked, a tear sliding down her cheek. “So I snuck back to their guest house…just in time to watch their car implode.”

Ana’s fingers came up to her lips. Horrified.

There were no witnesses; that’s what everyone had said. All the staff at the guest house had been dismissed right before their departure, and the property had been locked up.

But Gabi had seen it?

“I lost my mind and just ran straight to their car,” she said in a wretched tone, her eyes haunted. “I don’t know what I thought I would do. I should have called the police or Gio, or done something else that wasn’t so idiotic.”


“No,” she insisted tearfully. “It was idiotic. I didn’t realize it then, but there was a second bomb that hadn’t detonated yet. Just when I got close, it went off and…”

Her shaking hands pointed at her leg. Mangled and burned.