Page 23 of Blue Blood

“Oh.” Her bare feet curled into the carpet. Was he hinting that she should leave him alone? “That’s uh good." She hesitantly stepped back. "I won’t be interrupting you as much once I furnish my office.”

She laughed lightly, self-deprecating, but he merely frowned.

“You’re my wife,” Gio said simply.

But what did that mean? He’d said it more than once in the last few weeks, to his staff and his men. As if that statement was explanation enough. When Grandfather had dared to insult her…or when the housekeeper had neglected to help Ana with her office.

She’s my wife.

If he were any other man, she would have thought it a sign of pride. But Gio always looked so guarded as he said it. As if he didn’t want her to think too deeply about his declaration.

“Do you need any more staff for your business?” he asked her in that same cool tone.

Ana thought back to Grandfather’s jibe at the meeting, about Gio funneling funds to her dress business. "No…I'm good." There was no way that she'd give the old man the satisfaction. She would make it on her own, even if it killed her.

But Gio must have forgotten about that exchange because he insisted that she think it over again. Ana came around to where he was pointing at a list of at least a hundred names. At the top of the printout was the header: Vitello Vineyards-Full-Time Payroll.

“You’re trying to help Vitello’s employees?” Surprise filled her.

“Mm. I’ve been going back and forth with Luke on this. We have to pull the plug on his wineries. They’re bleeding way too much money. But he has over 300 staff across all his shops. We can’t just blow up their lives.” Gio rubbed his jaw, while she reeled.

Most men in power behaved callously, without any regard for the people who served them. It would have been so easy for Gio to do the same–to focus on the finances, leaving the employees to their fates. No one would have blamed him for it. And yet, he was trying.

Her throat felt heavy with respect.

“I could use an extra seamstress and someone to monitor emails,” she admitted. “Emma has been handling everything really well, but if anyone needs a new job, we would be happy to have some help.”

He nodded, scribbling a note. “I’ll get some more details from Luke on who might be a good fit. I’d ask Vitello, but–”

Right. The man’s business was being razed to the ground. He wouldn’t be in a cooperative mood. Not to mention, he was a close friend of Grandfather’s. The old man had probably already turned Vitello against Gio since that meeting.

“What are your thoughts on Luke?” Gio asked her suddenly.


“Yes, is he a reliable man?”

What a loaded question…

Ana glanced out the window, where speckles of pink hinted at dawn’s arrival. “I know my uncle trusted him. Luke was his Captain, and before he passed, he entrusted Luke with the territory until Antonio came of age. So far, I haven’t heard of any major issues. Luke seems to run a tight ship.”

“No major issues, except one.”

She inhaled sharply.

His parents’ murder–of course. It had occurred on Pittsburgh grounds, while Luke was in charge of the region.

Her mind raced at the insinuation as Gio watched her closely, revealing none of his own thoughts. At the Pennsylvania faction meeting and even now, she thought the two men were getting along well.

But now she questioned her observations.

Gio was not one to trust easily, even if he projected otherwise.

Cunning, many in the Family called him.

Perhaps the old adage was true for him…keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Goosebumps rose along her arms. What were his true intentions? With his men, with her.