Page 118 of Blue Blood

Did he know about the payroll fraud? The assassinations?

Her chest felt tight.

“What?” Grandfather griped when she stood staring at him.

Ana shook her head, taking a seat.

They watched the TV in silence as her mind whirred. After her marriage to Gio and Tony’s betrothal to Gabi, the Mancinis and Bernardis had become inextricably linked. It was considered an honor to form such a bond with the Don’s family. She’d never imagined Grandfather doing anything to jeopardize it. The Mancinis had too much to lose by severing the bond.

But they hadn’t lost that bond, had they?

The old Don and his wife had died, but Ana’s marriage and Tony’s betrothal had persisted. The Mancinis still thrived politically. They remained publicly aligned with the Don. But financially, they must have lost so much when Vitello’s business was shut down.

Had Grandfather overlooked the murders out of greed?

Bile rose up her throat.

The old man had despised her for so long. He’d not been too pleased with Gio’s interference in Vitello’s business either. She remembered his argument with Auntie the night of the gala and how furious he’d been at the prospect of losing his investment. He’d had no compunctions about her aunt emotionally manipulating Ana, so long as his wealth was secure.

How far had he gone?

“You know…” she murmured to him, “Gio is considering reviving the Vitello wineries.”

His wrinkled eyes lit up.

Ana’s lips thinned. “Vitello is an important friend of the family, so he’s willing to help him.”

The lie choked her, but Grandfather didn’t notice. He smiled victoriously, regarding her with the most pride he’d ever shown in her entire life.

“Finally.” He rapped his cane excitedly. “I’m glad the Don came to his senses. I was starting to think he was one of those new-age cuckoos who’d forgotten all about the old families. He should remember how much the Vitellos have supported the Family for centuries.”

She smiled dimly. “You’ve helped Vitello a lot over the years too, right?”

“Of course.” Grandfather puffed up with pride. “I was the first person to invest in his winery idea, and it paid off. We’ve been getting great returns for years.”

“And after his bankruptcy…are you doing okay?” she probed tentatively. “I mean, you have investments with other friends, so that must have compensated for the loss, right?”

“The Mancinis always do well. Look at our house, our staff,” he said haughtily. “It doesn’t matter what happens with any random person’s business. We will always survive.”

Ana sank in relief. They weren’t overly dependent on Vitello’s business, then.

The tension in her released before Grandfather added that “Marta’s the one who manages all the investments these days. After my retirement and her idiot husband kicking the bucket,” he sniffed, “she’s taken over and done a much better job than he ever did.”

“She has?”

Ana had always assumed that Grandfather still retained control over the investments.

He nodded assuredly. “She knows the standards we live up to. I have reminded her time and time again that the Mancinis have no choice but to succeed. To remain at the top. And she’s been diligent about making that happen.”

Grandfather lifted his wrinkly chin proudly. “That’s why I knew she’d succeed in convincing you and Gio to help Vitello. She and Claudio have been thick as thieves these past few years, making sure that we maintain a profit.”

Thick as thieves.

She stared at him in dread.

“Auntie and Vitello…?”

“Of course.” Grandfather eyed her narrowly.