Page 108 of Blue Blood

Ana slumped in her seat as her aunt rebuffed all her excuses, knowing there was no escape. The hospital was over an hour away in the city. How would she endure such a long ride alone with Grandfather? But her aunt was right. It didn’t make sense for them to make separate trips to the same area.

“If you’re fine telling Bianca…”

“I will call her straight away!” Auntie smiled, satisfied.

Resigned, she finished up her lunch before rising to leave.


She internally groaned, wondering what other tasks the woman would assign. But her aunt merely regarded her pityingly. An odd look that she’d witnessed only once before, right when the scandal had broken out.

“I know it’s not easy being married to a Family man, especially the Don. They have no care for their personal life, their families.” Her aunt’s eyes flickered with disdain. “If Gio is neglecting you, do not worry. Things will get better soon.”

A mixture of gratitude and incredulity filled her.

It was almost funny how badly her aunt had misconstrued the situation. Gio was not neglectful. He was almost too hypervigilant when it came to her safety.

But her aunt’s concern was touching, however misplaced. For the second time in a few days, she was attempting to console Ana.

Even with the scandal, she had comforted Ana and promised to resolve the whole drama. And she made it happen.

How was she going to fix Gio’s ‘neglect’?

Issuing her aunt a small smile, she exited the room.

She would have to warn her husband of the impending confrontation, on top of the deadly one already brewing with Vitello.

Chapter 24

Friday morning arrived–and yet, no news.

Gio had said nothing about Vitello or the autopsy results, and she was afraid to bring it up knowing how stressed he was. He was positively drowning in work. From sunup to sundown, he was on calls. Auntie was growing more and more concerned every time he skipped a meal.

Is something going on, Ana?

What wasn’t going on?

Ana nodded wearily as they went over the itinerary for Grandfather’s medical appointments for the third time. “Make sure you talk to the driver directly.” Auntie rattled off the list of instructions. “Father will lose his patience if he has to guide him. If your meeting with Bianca runs over, take Father with you. He won’t be happy having to wait for you.”

Stifling a yawn, Ana murmured in agreement as Auntie stacked together all the medical paperwork and then called the driver to check if he was on his way.

It was barely seven in the morning. Why the rush? The appointment wasn’t until eleven.

Auntie was overly accommodating to Grandfather. She didn’t mind inconveniencing everyone else, including Ana, to cater to his needs.

“Ah, Gio.”

Whirling around, Ana spotted her husband striding urgently into the dining room. He came to a halt as she and her aunt both turned to him in surprise.

“Marta,” he greeted distractedly before locking eyes with Ana.

His shadowed eyes regarded her seriously, and realization settled in.

The results were here.

Anticipation and dread bubbled inside her, and she stood up from her chair. Auntie frowned at her sudden move, then at Gio. “Aren’t you staying for breakfast?” She looked ready to strangle him if he refused again.

But Gio was not intimidated in the slightest. “I’ll just take some coffee, thanks.” He moved to check his phone, precluding any more conversation.