“Pia resigned.”
“What?” Adrien asks in shock.
“What did you do?” Theo asks me.
“Nothing! Well, not that I can remember. It just happened, and she doesn’t say much in the email. Just that she’s resigning, effective immediately.”
“So, what did you do?” Theo asks again.
“Nothing!” I insist. “Everything was good between us yesterday. We’ve been going strong since our first date. Everything was going great… or I thought it was anyway.”
“Could it be something in her personal life?” Adrien asks.
“Or maybe someone at work said something to her?” Theo adds.
“I don’t think so, but honestly, I have no clue.”
“You need to ask her then,” Theo says.
“I’ve tried that. She’s not answering my calls.”
“So go to her place,” he says.
“Should I give her time? Wait until tomorrow?” I ask them.
“Do you want to wait?” Adrien asks.
“No, not at all. I want her.”
“Then go get her. Ask her what’s going on and get to the bottom of things,” Adrien encourages me.
“He’s right,” Theo adds. “You can’t plead your case when you don’t even know what the charges are.”
“Okay. Thanks, guys,” I say sincerely.
“Of course. Let us know how it goes,” Adrien says.
“I will. Get some rest, Theo,” I say, and he sighs.
“Good luck,” he tells me before we all hang up.
I sigh, trying to shake off the doubt as I push to my feet and grab my keys. It’s time for me to go get my girl back. I can fix this, whatever this is. I have to.
I head out and battle the Los Angeles traffic over to Pia’s apartment building. The sun is starting to set now, and I hurry inside and up to her apartment. It’s quiet on the other side of the door as I take a deep breath and raise my hand to knock.
I wait a moment, but there’s still no sound from inside her apartment, and I wonder if she’s out. I knock again, and this time, I hear movement from inside.
A moment later, a pretty brunette answers the door, and I blink.
“Hi, is Pia home?” I ask her.
“She’s asleep,” she tells me, and I frown.
I want to ask her to wake her up or let me in, but it is kind of late.
“Oh, okay. I’ll try to come back tomorrow,” I tell her, and she nods, glancing over her shoulder at a hallway.
Part of me wonders if she’s lying, and maybe Pia told her that she didn’t want to see me if I came by. It would make sense. After all, she’s not taking my calls right now either.