Gareth decided to be the helpful one as Cashel threw himselfon the couch. “Well, at least he was concerned about you?”
Cashel didn’t seem to appreciate his look-on-the-bright-sidementality and seemed like he was trying to decide where to hide Gareth’s body.“I don’t even know his name. I don’t know what his major is. I don’t even knowif he’s Singing Guy. He should not be that concerned about my well-being.”
I decided it probably wasn’t the time to volunteer what Iknew about him and his roommates, and Gareth was smart enough that all it tookwas the shake of my head for him to figure out he shouldn’t ask. We could talkabout that when Cashel wasn’t quite so insane.
It couldn’t all be about one comment from a neighbor, so Idecided it was probably more about having a long week in general. That wassomething I could help with. Nosy neighbors were harder to fix. I knew thatfirsthand.
“Well, I like seeing your clothes in my dresser and seeingyour shampoo beside mine.” That had him blushing and groaning, and I couldn’thelp chuckling. “And that mousse and the sprays and your brushes.”
Gareth was staring up at the ceiling trying not to giggle asCashel grumbled and blushed even redder. They were so cute I couldn’t helpwalking over to the couch and leaning over to pin my light against it.
He made the softest moan, trying not to show how much heliked the possessive show, but I knew better. So I leaned down and kissed alonghis neck, moaning as I tasted his skin. “I love seeing all your things besidemine and knowing that you’ll stay with me anytime I want to hold my boys.”
His grumbles and moans were getting mixed up, but he wasdoing his best to hold on to his frustration. “That’s all the time.”
It was and I knew that made him happy but there wassomething in his grumbles we were going to come back to. “It is.”
Kissing along his jaw, I finally took his lips in a long,slow kiss and poured all my love and desire into it. There was no way my grumpylight could fight that and soon he was reaching up to wrap his arms around myneck and whining for more.
When I finally eased back, I could see that most of thestress had faded. “How about we go out tonight? It’s been a while since we haddinner out.”
We all seemed to be mostly homebodies and were happy withtakeout or trading off between me and Cashel making dinner, but I also thoughta change of scenery would do him good. I knew I was right when there was aspark in his eyes and he slowly nodded. “Yeah, I like that idea.”
Gareth was bouncing and in definite need of puppy time, buthe was doing his best to stay focused on the conversation. “Is this a two-sides-of-the-triangledate or an all-three one?”
As I straightened and took Cashel’s hand to pull our dramaqueen off the couch, he finally laughed. “Can your pup stay put while we all goout or should we go on a walk and pick up something closer?”
Shaking his head, Gareth stood straighter and looked down athis body like he hadn’t realized he’d been pacing in the living room. “No, he’swiggly but we would both like Italian. He wants a full tummy when we playlater.”
I wasn’t sure that was a good idea at all and judging byCashel’s eye roll he was on the same page, so I scrambled for another plan. “Howabout a moderate tummy and then playtime and we curl up for dessert atbedtime?”
Gareth and his pup loved that idea. His whole body seemed tolight up as he nodded. “That works for both of us.”
Cashel managed not to remind Gareth that his pup wasn’t alivein his head, but it was a close call. I was pretty sure that Gareth was justfucking with Cashel because he never did it when it was just the two of us, butI wasn’t going to ask because not knowing was much more fun.
“Then we have a plan.” Giving Cashel another quick kiss, Iglanced over at Gareth who was somehow not wearing pants even though he’d onlybeen home about twenty minutes. “But you are going to need more clothes thanthat.”
That had him looking down at himself again as Cashelsnickered. “You’re right.”
Nodding to himself, Gareth headed back toward the bedroomwhere I was assuming the rest of his clothes were. It wouldn’t take long forhim to come back, but I pulled Cashel into my arms for some cuddle time.
He sighed and snuggled close before letting out a quiethuff. “Why was he nearly naked? The curtains are open.”
I hadn’t realized that part.
“I don’t know.” Shrugging, I was honest about the confusinginteraction. “I was finishing up a work call when he came in from his lastclass. He waved as he walked past the table where I was working, and by thetime I was finished, he was sans pants and wiggling.”
Cashel couldn’t seem to decide if he was going to laugh ornot and finally settled on shaking his head. “Definitely puppy time later.”
“I would have to agree.” Kissing his head, I listened toGareth as he talked to himself in the bedroom, mostly about cute nonsense. “Ithink we need to work on a better schedule to make sure he’s getting enough puptime.”
Nodding against me, Cashel let out a deep breath that seemedto take some of his stress with it. “Maybe we should mix up playtime and puptime where he’s just relaxing? I’m not sure the wiggles are just about himhaving energy that needs to be used up.”
Cashel had a point.