Page 50 of Learning to Run

But since nothing seemed to require me to talk, I decided tobe polite and not point it out. I just waited as Bates stood up and gave bothof us quick kisses before nodding at Gareth. That seemed to be the cue Garethwas waiting for because he started stripping me out of my clothes, taking histime with lots of kisses in between each piece coming off.

Shoulders and cheeks got kissed, so did the top of my headand then my belly button as he moved around in front of me to take off mypants. Some were sweet and others were just designed to get a reaction, but hemade me laugh and I’d completely forgotten why I’d been stressed.

Of course, I remembered when Bates came up behind me, andsuddenly, I was naked and sandwiched between them. “Now…now what?”

Gareth still looked way too innocent and eager as he smiledfor us to be talking about sex, but Bates’s voice had already dropped lower andsexy as he kissed my neck. “Now we’re going to take our light and give himkisses and make him sparkle.”

How he managed to say that without sounding ridiculous I’dnever know. It should’ve been stupid, but it just made my dick harder and ashiver raced through me.

“I can’t wait to make you feel as good as you make me feel.”Gareth’s earnest response and the tender kiss he gave me had me melting intoBates.

He didn’t seem to mind because he held me tight and kissedmy head. “All you have to do is relax and let us kiss you.”

I could do that.

Nodding, I closed my eyes and let out a breath. It seemed tobe some kind of signal to them because their hands started caressing over me,not just trying to tease and relax me that time, and Gareth sprinkled kissesalong my neck.

Just when I’d gotten to the point where their hands and lipswere the only things I was thinking about, they slowly started inching ustoward the bed. When we stopped, I opened my eyes, but I shouldn’t havebothered because they both picked me up and set me down on the bed as Igrumbled.

They mostly managed to keep their smiles to themselves, butGareth was just a bit too perky as Bates walked around the other side of thebed. It was a brilliant distraction and I didn’t even realize what they weredoing until they brought out cuffs from the sides of the bed.


I’d forgotten about that part of the plan.

The cuffs came up from under the bed, or maybe under themattress, and were soft as they wrapped around my wrists. If I was supposed tosay something, nothing reasonable came to mind, so I was glad when they didn’tneed my input for much.

The closest I came to having to think and produce words waswhen Gareth leaned over the bed and kissed me softly. “What are yoursafewords?”

That somehow made it all more real, and while my brainslowed thinking down to a bare minimum, my dick waved around like a drunkensailor.

“Green, yellow, and red.” I felt proud of myself for gettingthe words out, and once I started the rest came easier. “Red stops everythingand I’m green.”

I was feeling a thousand emotions, and probably radiating aconfusing number of them, but I was technically green.

“Good boy.” It was Bates’s turn to lean over and kiss me,but his was slow and hot, and when his tongue stroked against mine, I couldn’thelp moaning and trying to lift my hands to wrap them around his neck. But Icouldn’t. That first real reminder of how trapped I was shot right through meand sent a jolt of desire that killed most higher brain functions.

It seemed to be obvious based on how pleased Bates looked ashe pulled away, lightly trailing his fingers down my face. “Yes, you’re goingto be a very good boy for us, but I think I know what would make it evenbetter.”

I knew what he was going to stay but it still made me blush.

“Would you like your blindfold?” Bates’s smile flashed fromwicked to tender as Gareth made an excited sound. “I think Gareth knows whatyou want.”

I managed a nod.

It wasn’t much but they were both so proud of me it made meblush, which made Gareth even more excited and had him kissing me again.“You’re so cute when you get nervous and you’re even cuter when you get growly.You’re just the cutest boyfriend ever.”

He’d lost his mind.

“I’m so glad you wanted to be my boyfriend too.” He gave mea quick, innocent peck before straightening, looking like he had some kind ofpurpose in mind. But it took me a second to realize that was because Bates wasback with the blindfold.

As darkness enveloped me, it made everything so much easier.Part of me wanted to poke at the reason why but a bigger part of me didn’tcare. There was nothing I could do and nothing I could see. Everything was upto Bates and Gareth.

Thinking about Gareth had his last words coming back to me,and they kept rolling around in my head. I probably wouldn’t have poked at themanother time, but everything was different in the dark. “I…thought about beingyour boyfriend before.”

Hands caressed over me, but they didn’t push me to keepgoing, which somehow made it even easier to keep rambling. “That just didn’tseem to be how you saw me, so I pushed it away.”

Gareth made a soft thinking sound and kissed the top of myhead. “I didn’t know there was more than one kind of boyfriend. You were alwaysmore than that to me, so I thought it would be…I thought it would be likedowngrading our relationship.”