Chapter 1
Jude was insane…and possibly angry about something.
“He’s glaring at me.” I hadn’t really tried to whisper, butI leaned closer to Cash, so it counted as being polite. “We’ve slept here fortwo nights. I want to come and I want to sleep with Bates again.”
Jude frowned deeper.
Yep, he’d heard.
But, considering he was only about five feet away andleaning against the front door, that probably couldn’t be helped.
So it wasn’t rude, just unavoidable.
“You talking about orgasms might be why he’s frowning.” Cashwas trying to look serious but it wasn’t working. His eyes kept twinkling, andI could hear the way he wanted to laugh. “That kind of makes him weird.”
That wasn’t my fault.
“I’m not talking about anything kinky or private. Everybodyorgasms. It’s like that Everybody Poops book. This isn’t rocketscience.” My logic didn’t make Jude happy, but it didn’t make him any morefrustrated, so I was counting it as a win of some sort. “We agreed to be heremore. We did that.”
I’d thought they were frustrated about chores or making suresomeone was here to feed Brady, but it wasn’t about anything practical at all. Forsome reason, Jude and Brady thought we were moving too fast and trustingtoo easily and smiling too much.
Unsurprisingly, the last one had come from Jude.
“I’m not sure we should’ve agreed with that.” Cash’s answerwas aimed at me but he kept his eyes glued on Jude. “I think we lost groundthere. Do you think Bates would let us move in with him?”
It wasn’t what I would’ve done first to handle the weirdsituation, but it might not have been a bad idea if we could work out some ofthe details.
“I don’t know if he has enough storage space for threeadults.” The one-bedroom apartments didn’t have enough closet space. “Oh, andhe’s probably going to say we have to do the spanking thing first before wecould live with him.”
And who would feed Brady?
We hadn’t even done a chore chart either, so there were lotsof things we needed to talk about first.
But in the last few days, we’d gone through limits lists anddefinitions and Cash had come to the realization that the world wouldn’t end ifhe saw my penis. We were making good progress on a lot of fronts.
My spanking was just around the corner as long as beingstuck in the apartment didn’t throw up any more conversations we were supposedto have had. Those always popped up out of nowhere and I was kind of tired ofthem.
“Good point.” Cash nodded, still looking at Jude and thedoor. “We need to remember to bring clothes for tomorrow. I’m tired of doingthe walk of shame in my pajamas. We’ve run into that same guy way too manytimes.”
He thought we were funny and was always polite, so I wasn’tsure what Cash was worried about. Besides, he looked good in his pajamas andthere was no way I was the only person who’d noticed that.
“Maybe we should just bring a few clothes down there so wedon’t have to worry about that? I could pick up some extra toothbrushes andstuff tomorrow.” That made Jude frown even deeper.
Something about good oral hygiene seemed to drive him crazy,but I had to take care of Cash like he took care of me so it was important.
“You’re not moving in with someone you’ve only been on onedate with.” Jude was so worked up, if we’d been in a cartoon, steam would’vebeen coming out of his ears.
Happy Doms really were much sexier.
“I think it’s been at least two.” Turning to Cash, Ifrowned. “Didn’t it count when we brought him a sub?”
Cash finally looked away from Jude. “I thought so. Oh, andwhat about when he bought us Chinese food? That counts too if we’re going byeating out in some way makes it a date.”
Worked for me.
“Three dates.” I tried to look happy as I pointed that outto Jude but smiling just made him more insane. “See? That’s much better.”