So I was helpful.
“Brady’s mom makes us write letters to each other about whywe’re sorry and what we’re feeling after we have an argument or there’s aproblem. He’s had to write a lot over the years because he’s a dramatic pain inthe butt sometimes.”
Ha, if he was going to be weird, I’d tattle.
Huffing, Brady crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re somean when your Dom dates someone else.”
“No, I’m just mean when you’re being weird and dramatic.” Icrossed my arms over my chest so he could see how silly he looked. “I just cameto get cookies.”
“But you’re frustrated and probably sad and I’m worriedabout you.” Brady was clearly sliding toward his little headspace because hewasn’t making any sense at all.
Time for reinforcements.
Texting my boyfriends and the men who were currently myemergency plan if I couldn't save myself, I sent out a desperate message.
He’s worried about me. I don’t know why.
When Jude cleared his throat, probably thinking I was rudefor texting, I just ignored him. If I was already rude a bit more wouldn’thurt.
I didn’t appreciate Bates’s brand of help.
Ask him why he’s worried.
Cash’s was better.
Just escape. Apologize later.
That sounded much better but then Brady sighed and he wasreally good at that.
“I’m fine.” That didn’t seem like it made a difference, so Itried to think of something else. I needed a distraction.
Can I tell him I was a happy pup? I think he’d like thatand it would be a conversation that made sense.
Because the current one didn’t.
They were silent entirely too long before Bates’s messagepopped up.
Yes, and that’s from both of us. You’re a cute pup andthere’s nothing wrong with telling people like Brady. They’re family eventhough they’re really dramatic.
Bates was really smart.
They were dramatic.
“I was a pup for the first time. I was really cute and Cashwas happy about it and Bates threw the ball. So we’re good.” Well, it was adistraction at the very least.
Brady’s eyes went wide and he bounced off the couch,completely ignoring the TV and his Daddy. “Oh, you’d be a very cute pup. Do youhave a tail?”
“Yes. Thank you for asking.” At least he knew the mostimportant part. “I have a wonderful tail and it was a lot of fun.”
Brady gave me a hug and made a presents on Christmaskind of squeal. “I’m so glad you found your pup. You’ll have to tell me allabout him and tell me what kind of toys he likes for Christmas.”
Oh, I got more toys?
Human ones and pup ones?