Page 4 of Learning to Run

Cash was nearly giggling as he leaned back against the couchand looked up at the ceiling. “What the genius over there is trying to say isthat Bates is getting his master’s in mathematics and he’s actually reallysmart. Like genius smart.”

“Ah.” Smiling, Brady’s mom squeezed our hands and pattedthem on our knees like they were exclamation points. “Well, that does explain alot.”

For some reason that made Cash snicker, but I nodded. “Yeah,smart people are weird, but we like his weird and he likes ours, so it’sworking pretty well.”

“I’m so glad.” She might’ve been glad but she was looking atus like we’d done something sketchy and wasn’t sure how to say it without beingrude. “But it seems like Brady and Jude are worried about how quickly he’sbecome important to you?”

That was probably an understatement.

Cash didn’t seem to trust me with this part because hejumped in and was finally helpful. “Yeah, he came up to talk to us last weekand introduce himself and we just clicked. We’ve gone out a few times and he’snice. Like the good kind of nice, not the creepy kind.”

Jude snorted, but she smiled like Cash was brilliant.“That’s wonderful. He sounds lovely. But do you know why the boys might haveconcerns?”

Cash looked like he was trying to find a polite way toanswer her, but after being held hostage, I wasn’t in the mood to be nice.

So I was helpful instead.

“Jude might not like that me and Cash are dating the sameguy.” There was kind of a long list of stuff he’d gotten worked up about, so Ijust told her all that I could think of. “Or that our guy is a Dom and he’s ourDom. Or that he’s going to spank me. I’m a sub, but not like Brady, I don’tneed toys and to cause drama to get attention. I’m a grown-up sub so I can justask for attention.”

I’d probably missed a few important parts but I rememberednot to tell her that asking for attention usually involved blow jobs.

She probably knew that already…she had a million kids sosexy time couldn’t have been a mystery.

“And we’ve kind of already spent the night.” I shrugged whenshe frowned. “We knew his name first and he’s really good at cuddling and wehaven’t had full sex yet. We’re getting to know each other and taking thatslow.”

Technically, I hadn’t lied.

Cash was groaning, no help at all, and Brady and Jude werejust sitting there with their eyes getting bigger, but Brady’s mom was back tosmiling. “You’ve really thought about your relationship. I’m very proud ofyou.”

Well, it was good that somebody was.

“Would you like to meet him?” Once Cash stopped beingdramatic, he had good ideas. “He’s downstairs studying and he wouldn’t mind.He’s been excited to meet you.”

Oh, that was perfect.

Even Brady groaned.

“That sounds lovely.” Beaming, she did the pat our kneesthing again. “Let’s do that. I would love to meet your partner. It’s alwaysnice when you find your Mr. Right early in life…and you’ve got two.”

I knew I liked her.

Chapter 2


I loved Brady’s family, but Bates looked like he was shakinghands with a Hollywood celebrity. “It’s wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard somuch about you.”

That just made Jude glare more, Brady sigh, and me almostgiggle.

Of course, Brady’s mom cocked her head and looked confusedas she continued to smile. “That’s so nice.”

Since it didn’t look like anyone else was going to explainthings, I tried. “Um, when the window was stuck open, we were louder than wethought. So he heard a lot about you.”

“And Brady talks to himself.” Gareth decided that was theright moment to be helpful. “So Bates knows all about you.”

“That’s convenient.” She managed not to laugh as she walked Batesover to the couch and sat him between us. She’d done the same thing the fewtimes me, Gareth, and Brady had gotten into fights, so I wasn’t surprised, butfor some reason it just made Brady smile wider.

“I am always available to help supervise Walmart visits, andwhile I don’t have a lot of experience babysitting, I like kids.” Bates wasfeeling really helpful too.