Page 30 of Learning to Run

He was ridiculous.

And kind of adorable when he was a dork.

“When you’re done.” Waving my hand, I just let him shake andgiggle for a few more seconds. “Still waiting.”

For some reason that just made his control even moreprecarious and the quiet laughter continued.

Utterly ridiculous…and also one of the reasons that he fitin with us so well.

“Sorry.” He didn’t look apologetic, but I pretended tobelieve him. “You’re just so perfect when you get all huffy and Dommy. I loveit.”


That did not help my glare go away and it brought hisgiggles back.

He was lucky he’d taken me out on a fabulous date and hadlet me read everything I’d wanted. The karma points he’d built up would get himthrough at least one more round of giggles, but at some point, he had to behaveso we could figure out the plan for later.

Because I might be the Handler but Bates needed to realizehe was the one pulling the strings for the first scene. This wasn’t something Iwas going to fuck up so Dom One needed to give Dom Two some instructions.


Now we sounded like something from Doctor Seuss.

It was going to be a long afternoon.

Chapter 9


“You’re back.” Gareth was nearly bouncing as Cashel walkedinto their apartment, but he didn’t throw himself at us like I could see hewanted to. “Is your date over? Brady said I shouldn’t kiss you guys until yourdate is over so I wouldn’t interfere.”

Oh, that wasn’t…

“We’re not taking relationship advice from Brady.” Casheldidn’t even look around to see if Brady was there or not, he just charged rightinto fixing the situation. “He means well but he’s not in the same kind ofrelationship.”

“That’s good. I wasn’t sure I could follow the rules hethought would make things easier in the long run.” Gareth’s beaming smile justgot wider as he bounced over, hugging and kissing me and then Cashel. “That’sso much better.”

Cashel was right.

Someone needed to watch Brady closer.

“It is.” Giving both of my boys a quick kiss, I pulled themclose so I could snuggle them while we figured out what Gareth thought of theplan. “This is also wonderful too.”

Cashel chuckled as Gareth nodded and made a happy sigh,resting his head on my shoulder so he could look cute as he peeked over atCashel. “Did he like the idea? He did, didn’t he? I didn’t pester him all daylong so I don’t know how much he loved it.”

As Cashel snorted, I tried not to laugh too much. “Well,Brady was the one pestering all afternoon. But yes, Cashel loved it and we hada wonderful time. He even loved the restaurant you helped me pick out.”

Wiggling excitedly and radiating pride, it took Gareth amoment to go still. “Wait. Brady bothered you?”

He sat up, studying us for a few seconds. “That’s why youtold me to keep him occupied. But he was already with Jude, so I didn’t knowwhat you were talking about.”

And that cleared up a few more things.

“He’s been texting all afternoon asking odd questions aboutour relationship with Bates.” Frowning, Cashel didn’t mind tattling on Brady.“He’s been a pain in the ass.”

“Sorry?” Gareth didn’t seem to know what to say. “I answeredhis questions and then he gave me advice that I wasn’t sure was helpful andthen Jude came to get him for lunch. His Daddy was responsible for him afterthat.”

I tried not to laugh as Gareth made it sound like he’d beenbabysitting Brady.