There are lots of brothers taking their turns honouring him by doing a shot and raising it to his ashes.
The women come up when they are done with everything, and we all line up to raise our shots to Armour as well.
He had been a prospect for longer than he had been made a brother, but he was still club and family. I will never forget what he did for Annalise.
The celebration is everything I had hoped it would be.
There were stories told of Armour’s prospecting days and plenty of the stories made people laugh.
Once the party started getting wild, some of the Old Ladies took the kids to the Kingsley house. Susan had said that the kids could all stay there when we were celebrating.
Her sons had set up security, and Aubrey was helping her mom wrangle all the kids. They didn’t want us to worry about anything.
I knew she could handle it.
The club needed this. You could tell by how wild everyone got when the kids were gone.
There were some club girls, but no one was really in a hurry to get more since most of the brothers were married off already.
The women who stuck around were mostly Old Ladies, or women who just wanted to get with one of the single men for the night and nothing more.
Seeing everyone let loose was a good thing.
There were going to be a lot of hangovers tomorrow, that’s for sure.
I think back to the coffee Annalise had gotten ready for the morning, and the disposable coffee cups she bought since there are so many people here. She also had bought a few cases of Gatorade for anyone who wanted one to fight their hangover. If that wasn’t enough, there was also a ton of bacon, eggs, bread, and hashbrowns she had bought for the morning. That woman was very prepared.
I sit back with the Old Ladies at the kitchen table as our men talk with members they haven’t seen in a long time.
“Did you actually get pierced?” Ella whispers drunkenly to Olivia.
Olivia grins. “Of course I did.”
“What? Did it hurt?” Sophie asks in a gasp.
“Show me!” Ella shouts.
“I’m not whipping my tits out in a clubhouse full of bikers. Do you want to see Steal go into a full-blown rage?” Olivia asks with a laugh.
“Puh-lease like the swoon king can rage,” Ella slurs, waving a hand dismissively.
Olivia looks at Ella and gasps. “My man is fierce.”
“Sorry, but baby brother is nothing to be afraid of!” Ella says, laughing.
Sasha laughs at the exchange. “Nothing better than seeing new moms letting loose.”
I chuckle and nod. “Oh, I remember those days. When you had a night or two off and just got wasted like you were nineteen again.”
“Damien could take him down in a second. Baby brother wouldn’t even have a chance,” Ella slurs.
“I think you said that wrong, Damien wouldn’t even know what hit him,” Olivia protests.
“Torch could take both of them without lifting a pinky!” Camilla shouts loudly, causing some brothers to look over to see what’s going on.
“Torch doesn’t have the muscle for that,” Olivia says, looking over at Camilla grinning.
“He’s got plenty of muscle, believe me. You haven’t seen all that working out,” Camilla says sitting back and fanning herself.