Page 84 of Always Yours

“I’m just glad we won’t have to worry about anything for a while. I feel like good times are on the horizon for us,” I say.

“Me too,” she says softly.

When we pull up to the clubhouse, we notice the new gates and a prospect standing guard beside them. He lets us in.

There are a lot of vehicles and bikes here, but that’s normal for this place.

“Everyone must be here,” I mutter.

“Yeah, we only have some small things to do in the club that won’t take long, but it’s mostly done and then we will be able to move back,” Damien says.

“That’s great. It’s good to be back,” I say as he pulls into a spot, and we all get out of the vehicle.

I take in the building at we walk in. It looks the same, but you can tell they just recently painted it.

My steps are slow as I make my way in. I know it’s going to take time to build my strength back up.

Everyone is in the main room and there are smiles directed towards me.

“This place looks great,” I tell them.

I take a seat at one of the tables, and that seems to be all the time leaving me alone that the kids could handle because they start running over to me and shouting. I can’t understand with all of them talking at once.

“One at a time!” Olivia shouts in what I can only describe as her mom voice.

I hear a weird noise and I frown until I look over and see Hale, Fae, Millie, and DJ pulling and pushing Sophie in a wagon. She’s sitting there doing a wave and smiling with a drink in her hand until she spots me, and the kids all stop pulling her and rush over.

“Wow! Just wow!” Sophie shouts.

“They just left you,” Krista says with a laugh as she grabs the wagon to pull, and Ella goes to the other side to help so she’s sitting close to me.

“Can I ask why my grandkids are pulling you around in a wagon?” I ask with a laugh.

“Well, I told them to go get Dad, or Uncle, or even Colton because my chair wasn’t back there since Colton carried me back there earlier… then they had the genius idea that they were going to pull me around so that ‘I don’t wait for no man.’ Millie’s words,” Sophie says with a sheepish expression on her face.

The men she was just talking about walk into the room and stop when they see her in a wagon sipping a drink.

“Where are the babies?” she asks them calmly.

“They are sleeping. Sasha told us to quit hovering and get out of her hair,” Bear says with a grin.

“Why are you in a wagon?” Switch asks, sitting next to her.

“SOMEONE I won’t say who... forgot that they carried me to the kitchen earlier and I couldn’t go anywhere without my chair or crutches. The prospect was too scared to let me jump on his back, so the kids thought this was the best solution,” Sophie says with a shrug.

We all turn to look at the prospect that’s just coming from the kitchen with a coffee in his hand.

He stops and looks to see everyone staring at him.

“I didn’t touch no woman,” he says with a hand in the air. He puts the cup down with his other hand and now he has both in the air.

“Well, I wouldn’t go around admitting that to these men. They are worse gossips than the women,” Camilla says with a laugh.

“Well, the fact is that he didn’t touch any woman, including mine, so I guess he’s safe tonight,” Trigger says while glaring at the poor prospect.

I can tell he’s fighting not to laugh though.

“You could have gotten one of the kids to get your crutches,” Lily says with a chuckle of her own.